
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

solution to the disadvantages of manual system Essays -

I really don't think that anyone in this world knows the real me. My closest friends know me better than anyone else, but I don't think I?ve ever let certain sides of me come out around anyone except myself. I keep some feelings hidden because no one would understand, and even if they did understand, there wouldn't be anything that anyone could do to make the feelings disappear. Worry about your character, not your reputation because your character is who you ` are & your reputation is what people think you are I'm not perfect, I never tried to be. I've made mistakes. I've taken the easy way out. I've lied to my friends. I've hidden the truth so many times from so many people. I've hurt people, and I've even done it on purpose. I've left people behind. I've spread rumors. I've said things that I didn't mean. I'm no better than anyone, anywhere. I'm human. I have faults, and I'm not afraid to admit that. I want to change, but I won't. Because that's what we do. That's what we've always done. We list our faults like a grocery list, and we move on, expecting everything to somehow change itself. It never will. I will never change. I will never be perfect. I will always make mistakes. I'll, more often than not, take the easy way out. I will lie, hide the truth, hurt people, leave people behind, spread rumors, and say things I don't mean for the rest of my life.--- jeneveve 'have you ever realized that when .. people say you?ve changed it?s just because you?ve stopped living your life ... their way Most people don't know who they are. That's why they lie. They're afraid someone else will figure it out before they do I?m nowhere near perfect I eat when I?m bored I fall for boys too easily I?m vulnerable to their lies I?m hoping that one day someone can get to know me without me getting into a long story I live by quotes that explain exactly what I?m going through I make excuses for everything in my life I?m not perfect and I?m glad because I think that would make me extremely boring Sorry I actually eat unlike some people...Sorry I can be myself around guys unlike some people... Sorry I like to have fun and I don?t care what people think about me... Sorry I am me But seriously how can you figure out what you?re made of if it's always easy. - Kris Langard I'm not always as confident as I seem ... there are many nights and many days when all I want is to be held. I love being held. Always. Sometimes I don't want to talk about what is bothering me ... sometimes I just want a hug ... someone who will let me cry. I like when boys cry in front of me -- when people aren't afraid to show what they're really feeling. I don't like when people run from their true feelings because it doesn't do anyone any good. I wear my heart on my sleeve, but I am not naive. I know what it feels like to be completely broken and I am all too familiar with what it means to be hurt. I know what it's like to see something funny and not laugh. I've been taken advantage of, used, and abused. My feelings have been blatantly disregarded. But I still believe that all people are good at heart ... and my trust in people has not diminished. To be completely honest, I hope it never does. Ever. "It hurts to look at yourself in the mirror and hate yourself, look into the mirror and wonder what ever happened to that smile that used to shine so bright. When you look at yourself, you see this version of "you" that your mind has created, someone that has become so distant and cold that nobody wants to be around her. Empty eyes. Fragile bones. The only thing you have left are the lies you tell yourself everyday to survive, lies that have become your painful reality, lies that will swallow you whole and crush your insides, lies that have turned you into someone you never wanted to be.." Congratulations! You're not perfect! It's ridiculous to want

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