
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Environmental Influences Essay

A global plastic manufacturer, Riordan Manufacturing is on top among others in the field of plastic injection molding, with annual projected earnings of $46 millions. As an industry leader, Riordan have a labor force of 550 employees and have state-of-the art design capabilities that create innovative plastic designs which won an international acclaim. With its present capabilities, Riordan remains a strong and vibrant company in the industry. Riordan’s plan to open up new business in other country is not new as Riordan manufacturing has one in China. India is another country that has a strong potential for business to thrive. However, the company needs to consider pertinent ethics issues that are highly valued in that country. Of Course, India is a country with very sensitive culture especially in matter of religion. Which you identify the three most pertinent ethics issues faced by Riordan Manufacturing in conducting business in your selected country The most pertinent ethics issues Riordan manufacturing must take into considerations in putting up business in India should be the following; discrimination, sensitivity to local customs and tradition, and sensitivity to the economic condition of the society. While Riordan’s primary interest is to gain profits, they certainly need a strong workforce to facilitate its operation. However, Riordan manufacturing must address the ethics issues of discrimination confronting the employee-employer relationship in relation to employment. The ethics issues involve in hiring employees lies on how the management treats their employees, which according to Crane and Matten (2007) can serve as a moral hazard to employees. The situation of the Indian economy is potential breeding ground for discrimination as the government allows the hiring of employees on contractual basis. Davenport, Crotty, and Torres cited that Indian Law â€Å"starts from the common law premise that an employer has a right to terminate the services of an employee without giving a reason. Riordan Manufacturing can easily fall into temptation to exploit this law to serve its own interest at the expense of the contractual employees. Although it might be allowed by law, terminating employees merely on the ground of fixed contact terms allows the company to select the kind of employees they desired. This is discrimination because in effect, they are ejecting employees they do not like in favor of others whom they desired. Crane and Matten stated that discrimination in essence â€Å"is a violation of Rawl’s Theory of Justice, that social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are attached to the offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity† (p. 273). The next ethics issues faced by Riordan Manufacturing in conducting business in India are the sensitivity to local customs and tradition. India is known for its religious culture of regarding life as sacred whether human or animal life. Indeed, for Hindus, cows are sacred. Failure to respect local customs and tradition proved to be disastrous. This is clearly seen in the case of Disneyland in Paris whose initial failure was blamed for Disney’s lack of sufficient awareness of the local cultures. Riordan Manufacturing therefore must be aware of India’s local customs and traditions in order not to repeat the same mistake that caused Disney Company hundreds of millions of dollars in losses during the initial years of Disneyland in Paris. Since the company’s products are plastic beverage containers, it assumes no direct connection to what the Hindus regarded as sacred, however, Riordan manufacturing must be able to draw a clear concept reflecting the company’s fair dealing and high regard for ethical issues. Finally, Riordan Manufacturing must be able to demonstrate sensitivity to economic condition of the community. The company must contribute to the local government’s effort of community development by first of all providing employment opportunities to local residents, paying required taxes and other required fees to the local government, and avoid any express transactions via under the table arrangements. Riordan Marketing should also able to recognize its role not only as profit oriented company, but also a business organization responsible to both its shareholders stakeholders. That is, the company must care for the environmental and cultural impact of its business operation. How do these ethics issues impact Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing efforts Negatively, the lesson that was learned by Disney Company during the initial years of its operation in Paris is the answer how these ethics issues can impact Riordan manufacturing’s marketing efforts. Failure to consider these ethics issues will certainly lead to serious losses as it will affect the domestic market’s behavior in view of indifferent patronage of Riordan’s product. As Chryssides and Kaler (1993) pointed out, Riordan Marketing must recognize that business â€Å"is not just a matter of economic exchange of money, commodities, and profits; it involves human interactions, is basic to human society, and is intertwined with the political, social, legal, and cultural life of society (p. 37). Riordan Marketing’s failure to settle the ethics issues as cited above could seriously damage the marketing of the product and might even come to worse if a campaign to boycott the product will be spearheaded by any radical organization. India, being second most populous nation on earth and is a fast industrializing economy can be a huge market for Riordan Marketing promising a potential profits for the company. Positively however, the ethics issues discussed above can provide Riordan a positive image and insure domestic patronage if those ethics issues are observed by the company. The ethics issues properly addressed can reduce the negative impact of marketing, and it will also enhance the consumer well-being. Vilcox and Mohan (2007) aptly stated that ethics issues can â€Å"increase its positive impact by providing consumers with goods and services that can enhance their overall quality of life† (p. 50). The impact therefore of those ethics issues can be achieved by the company through creating a positive company image based on cultural awareness, respect and incorporating the customs and tradition to the company’s business strategy. If Riordan Manufacturing also wanted to consider marketing to a broader region that included your selected country (e. g. , Europe, Asia), what impact would this have on their marketing strategy? The impact Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing to a broader region is dependent of the company’s overall image. Based on the company’s history and current business performances, Riordan Manufacturing enjoys a very highly organized and well secure business transaction. They have no bad previous records in terms of their internal operation. The company’s human resource has an excellent policy with regard to employee-employer relationships and in terms of benefits the company provides its employees. The company’s ethical reputation of the company will certainly have good impact on their regional marketing strategy. Indeed, Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy is ethical marketing. In a paper entitled â€Å"PR Campaign: Final Paper† of the University of Phoenix Public Relation dated 2007, the paper stated that Riordan Manufacturing is focused on creating an organization that recognize the individual employee’s importance to the company. According to the paper, the Riordan Manufacturing is bent on creating a socially responsible company to the community which is the stakeholder in this case. Furthermore, the company is doing its best to inform the public that although their products may not always be environmentally friendly, they are completely conscious of the public concerns (PR Campaign). Thus, even if Riordan Marketing will consider marketing to a broader region that includes India, it will not have negative impact on their marketing strategy especially in India because they have not violated any cultural issues or the local customs and tradition of the host country. Rather, addressing ethics issues such as those discussed above will always yield potential gains for the company. Considering that Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy is it self ethical marketing, it means they are on the right track as ethics deals with what is good for the majority. The impact of these ethics issues is that it will enhance the company’s public relations that will surely have an immense impact on Riordan Manufacturing’s marketing strategy. The point therefore is clear, Riordan Manufacturing’s success in creating a company that is highly anchored on ethical principles and values will help them determine its course of success both in the broader region and in a particular country like India. In the meantime, Riordan Manufacturing is on its way of transforming itself towards a company that cares on every spheres of their operation ethically. They are a company that acknowledges responsibility on all their stakeholders beginning from their own employees, the organization, the community, and the country where it operates. Reference List Crane, A. & Matten, D. (2007) Business Ethics USA: University Press Chryssides, G. D. & Kaler, J. H. (1993) An Introduction to Business Ethics UK: Cengage Learning EMEA Davenport, G. , Crotty, M. , Torres, P. (2000) Termination of Employment Digest Switzerland: I LO Pr Campaign: Final Paper January 29, 2007 http://www. oppapers. com/essays/Pr-Campaign-Final-Paper/119681 Vilcox, M. W. & Mohan, T. (2007) Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chemistry in Our Lives

â€Å"Better living through better chemistry† Chemistry affects our lives in many different ways, everyday. The air you inhale everyday is an element called hydrogen. Chemistry affects us in good ways and bad ways. So, I decided to do it in both points of view. Without chemistry our lives wouldn't be as easy it is right now but there is a other side to it. Without chemistry we wouldn't have communication, transportation, medicine, and technology .If it wasn't for chemistry we would have to send messages with messengers like it was years ago, now we can even see each other without being physically there. Alot of people survive because of chemistry; for example when there is a tsunami alert or any natural disaster, the alert is being said by technology, if it wasn't for this many people would die.Our transportation is a big invention as well. We can travel many places in days when by car than traveling by horse with no heater or air condition, having suffer with the weather and it'll take months to get to places rather than traveling by a vechicule. Our supplies are transported by trains, we don't suffer from our neccessities, we don't have to wait for them.When there is an emergency, there's an ambulance that's created for emergencies with red, yellow, and light blue lights and also it makes a loud noise which lets other drivers to move out the way. If it wasn't for chemistry, there would be a lot of people dying from diseases, posinous animal bites, toxic chemicals, etc. Babies are vaccinated to make their immune system strong enough to fight against many diseases and infections, trying to prevent tragedies.Antibiotics are very important as well. Antibiotics have been the cure to many diseases, by killing or stopping the growth of bacteria. Before plants, fungi, and lichen were used to try heal infections. We have medicine at the reach of our hands. Have a headache? Take a pill. Can't sleep? Take Night-quil. There always seem to be a solution to our ache s.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Assignment in English Essay

A good listener can easily respond if he/she possesses an effective listening if they can evaluate the meanings, sound patterns and the vocabulary of each words. (Rost, 2002) defines listening, in its broadest sense, as a process of receiving what the speaker actually says (receptive orientation); constructing and representing meaning (constructive orientation); negotiating meaning with the speaker and responding (collaborative orientation); and, creating meaning through involvement, imagination and empathy (transformative orientation). In the process of communication, 40% came from listening while speaking have only 35%. It means that listening is the most important tool in communication process. It may become ineffective if the listener have some difficulties in recognizing the sound pattern and the structure of each words. It may also affect the communication procedure when there is misunderstanding to the speaker through its barriers which is the noise. And most of the time, the listener itself lose their attention and interest to the topic which can affects the relationship between the speaker and listener. So they should motivate their listeners so that they will continue in delivering their messages to their respective audience. There are three levels of listening; each is characterized by certain behaviors that affect listening effectiveness. Level 1 has the highest potential for understanding, retention and effective communication; level 3 has the lowest. These are general categories to help us understand our listening; they overlap and interchange depending on the situation. All of us listen at different levels of effectiveness throughout the day, as the circumstances and people around us change. For example, it is difficult for most people to listen effectively in the midst of a highly conflicted situation, when they are dealing with emotional people, when they are being criticized, when they are being corrected, or when they are feeling fearful, anxious, or angry. Others listen very effectively when they are working or ministering, only to tune out when they arrive home. These are the three levels of listening; a. ) the active listening that gives the full attention to listening when another is talking and focuses on what is being said and doesn’t allow the distraction but fully alert and engaged; b. the passive listening where the listener hears words but does not really listen because he couldn’t really understand the significance of what is being said; and c. ) the non-listening where the listener’s attention and response is not real and he/she pays attention to himself and own thoughts. Very few people spend most of their time listening at level 1. Most of us listen at all three levels over the course of a day, but the more we listen at level 1, the more effective we will be as leaders. Listening is a five-step process consisting of listening preparation, receiving, constructing meaning, responding, and remembering (Hybels & Weaver, 2007). The first three steps are crucial. Skipping a step can be disastrous. How accurate of a response can be derived without first preparing to listen followed by receiving information? There could not be enough information to accurately construct a meaning. The first step, preparation, is the foundation for listening. Having the proper mindset and environment are critical. The second step in the active process of listening is receiving. A number of processes involved in comprehension are intrapersonal; that is, they take place inside your head. This section familiarizes you with the nature of human information processing and the concept of inner speech. c. Remembering There has been a great deal of research on memory. Remembering is essential if you intend to apply what you have heard in future situations. This chapter acquaints you with the three basic memory systems and the work that has been done in listening training and assessment with regard to the memory process. d. Interpreting When you interpret message you do two things. First, you take into accounts the total communication context so that you are better able to understand the meaning of what is said from the speaker’s point of view. Your ability to empathize, or to see a situation from the other person’s perspective, requires that you pay attention to emotional meaning and to the communicate context. Second, effective listeners let their partners know that they have been understood. e. Evaluating You listen from a unique point of view and are influenced by your perceptual filters- your past experiences, attitudes, personal values, and predispositions.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Utilitarian Conservation or Preservation Movement Essay

Utilitarian Conservation or Preservation Movement - Essay Example Key among such scholars is Rachel Carson who in her book Silent Spring explores the possible ways of safeguarding the future of biodiversity in the country. Key among her fundamental suggestions is utilitarian conservation, which she explains has the potential of saving the country’s biodiversity future as the discussion below portrays. In the book, Carson argues the human activities continue to threaten the future of wild animals. She studies the detrimental effects that pesticides have on birds thereby arguing that the continued use of such powerful biocides threatens the future of birds in the world. Birds are among the most varied animals in the world. Their large number and diversity in species makes documenting them difficult. Despite such, the continued use of pesticides on farms as humans continue to invent new ways of protecting their crops in the fields is among the leading threats globally to the future of numerous species of birds. A fundamental argument she makes in the book is that the pests continue to mutate thereby becoming resistant to the pesticides. This will therefore create a unique scenario where the pesticides kill all the birds while such diseases as malaria continue to persist thereby causing deaths to humans. She therefore suggests other appropriate ways of coexisting between humans and w ild animals in a manner that limits the conflicts arising from such relationships. Wildlife is important aspects of the ecosystem. Wildlife enhances the stability of the ecosystem and the elimination of any species of wildlife will have diverse effects on the environment. Among the factors that enhance the conflict just as stated earlier is overpopulation. This compels humans to rehabilitated areas previously occupied by the wild animals. Among the immediate ramifications of such is the restructuring of the environment, which causes numerous

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Strategic Plan Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategic Plan Law - Research Paper Example Georgia Department of corrections The Georgia Department of Corrections is a government organ that manages prisons in the state of Georgia. The institution offers a variety of correctional services that include treatment of convicts while in the facilities, offering control measures to protect convicts and the society from harmful initiatives, and correctional facilities to offenders. Mission statement The organization has a published mission statement that stipulates the institution’s scope. The mission statement provides that â€Å"the Georgia Department of Corrections protects and serves the public as a professional organization by effectively managing offenders while helping to provide a safe and secure environment for the citizens† (Georgia Department of Corrections, 2011). The facility therefore works in the interest of the public to ensure that citizens are safe from criminal activities that could be committed by the convicts (Georgia Department of Corrections, 2 011). Population served The institution, according to the reported statistics of the year 2011, currently serves about 210000 people. This includes individuals who are in prison facilities as well as those under probation facilities. The institution’s facilities host about 50 thousand individuals. ... Demography of the inmates by gender indicates male dominance of more than 90 percent. Classification by race however reveals black dominance of more than 60 percent. A similar trend in percentage composition of the offenders is followed in statistics of probates. The 20 to 40 years age bracket, males, and blacks forms majority of classifications by age, gender, and race respectively. There is however a variation in probates composition by race in which the number of whites almost equals that of blacks. The demographics also indicate that probates are relatively minor offenders while criminals with more serious cases beyond property related crimes are restricted to imprisonment (Georgia Department of Corrections, 2011). Programs offered The institution offers varieties of programs to its inmates. Some of the currently running programs include â€Å"equine rescue program, computer office technology, construction, auto body repair, cosmetology, barbering, service industry, food process ing, graphic arts, cabinetry, welding, masonry, and building maintenance† (Georgia Department of Corrections, 2011). These programs aim at equipping the convicts for engagements that can occupy them and reduce their further involvement in crimes (Georgia Department of Corrections, 2011). Number of personnel The institution is managed and run by 13000 employees. This data combines uniformed officers and other staffs (Georgia Department of Corrections, 2011). Strategic plan Communication efficiency is a necessity in operations and management of an organization. While coordination facilitates official communication among personnel, cooperation in correctional facilities is necessary to facilitate harmony among workers, among inmates and between workers and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Impact of Condom Availability on Students in High Schools Essay

Impact of Condom Availability on Students in High Schools - Essay Example Using past studies on this issue, this discussion will find out if condom availability programs in high schools have met their objectives or not. According to Schuster, Bell, Berry, and Kanouse, each day, American teenagers risk unwanted pregnancies, HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases by participating in unprotected sex (67). Most sexually active teenagers do not consider the precautions, as well as the repercussions often involved in this. This is an uncontrollable fact, and so the best way to ensure their safety is by making protection available to them. This has however raised a lot of controversy, leading to a heated debate on the same. The proponents of condom availability programs argue that providing condoms to teenagers will lower their risks of unwanted pregnancies, HIV, and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). Those opposed to this program argue that condom availability will compromise the teenager’s sexual decisions and plunge them into promiscuity. This move also presents an assumption that schools condone teenage sex, and this encourages teens to engage in sexual activity (Schuster, Bell, Berry, and Kanouse 68). ... Owing to this, different researches and studies have been conducted to evaluate the viability of this program. These revealed a variety of results. One study revealed that the response of students on these programs was favorable. However, males made most use of the condoms than females. In another study, an increase in the use of condoms was realized. However, no change in the students’ sexual activity was realized (American Academy of Pediatrics 1464-1467). Ideally, it is the role of parents to educate their teenage children on sexual matters. This responsibility has however transferred to teachers, since teens spend a considerable amount of their time in schools and not at home. This is incorporated in schools’ sex education. Most schools take different approaches in teaching sex education. Some insist on abstinence, while others are for both abstinence and protected sex. Those that encourage abstinence do not avail condoms to their students. On the other hand, those that advocate for both abstinence and protected sex will always make condoms available to their students in order for them to practice safe sex. Every year, a considerable number of teenagers fall victim to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections due to lack of knowledge, and the unavailability of condoms within their reach. This therefore suggests that high schools need to teach their students on the use of condoms, and make condoms available to them. Failure to do this will not solve the problems related to teenage sexuality. In 1986, a survey was undertaken on teenage sex, and the results showed that condoms would influence positively on teenage sexual

Monday, August 26, 2019

Apple Inc. Current market conditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Apple Inc. Current market conditions - Essay Example The firm is estimated to have the majority of the smart phone market with the main competitors being the Research in Motion of Canada, Samsung of North Korea and the upcoming Huawei of China. On its launch of the Smartphone, the firm was able to sell over ten million units within a month which was a record not only for the firm’s product sales but also for the market. New version of the same product has been very successful with million units in sales made for each new version which is after every two years. Apple has proved to the world that it is a future firm and that it is here to stay. This has to do with its history of innovation and surprising the consumers with new products just when the customers thought they had everything there is to have in the electronics industry. Generally, Apple is a successful company with a growing future. Though it faces threats such as competition from other providers in its line, it stands a better chance for success due to opportunities a nd market venture it has not touched. Law of diminishing demand Mentioning of recent or upcoming purchases of cars and computers suggests a strong consumer demand for the commodities. The confidence of consumers is measured by Consumer Confidence Index (CCI). Consumers’ confidence shows the optimism of the consumers on the economy. This can easily be expressed in their saving and spending activities (Barnes, 2012). Household surveys are carried out every month about the ongoing conditions and the expectations of the future regarding the United States economy. Data is available by age, region, and income for consumer attitudes and buying intentions. A healthy economy means consumers are willing to spend their money. The CCI is calculated from data gathered from 5000 households every month. Five questions are asked in the survey and each question is given a relative value. The values are calculated and compared against a benchmark value that was calculated in 1985. The 1985 ben chmark value is as is because that is when the CCI was first calculated. From the results, an index value is obtained for each of the five questions. The average index values of the questions are obtained and forms the consumer confidence index. Consumer spending is very imperative to a countries’ financial health. Consequently, the CCI is closely and accurately watched economic indicator. Changes of below 5% are usually said to be inconsequential. On the other hand, changes of 5% and above show very strong change in the direction of economy (Barnes, 2012). Competitors and the market While Apple is a leader in the industry, this does not mean that the firm does not have competition. The main competition is from Research in Motion who is the manufacturers of yet another market leading Smartphone, Samsung, which is a Korean electronics manufacturer that is catching up very quickly with the American manufacturers and finally Huawei which is a Chinese mobile communication devise manufacturers who have recently entered the market for Smartphone (Russolillo, 2012). Huawei especially offers a very different kind of competition because apart from having the advantage of the Asian cheap labour from china, it has a very keen focus on manufacturing low cost Smartphone and have entered into strategic coalitions with such giants as Google and a number of mobile phone operators in the world. The

Sunday, August 25, 2019

THEARTER the play The Zoo Story by Edward Albee Thesis

THEARTER the play The Zoo Story by Edward Albee - Thesis Example Jerry is an fairly attractive, repressed homosexual male in his late thirties whose demeanor suggests a man who has known better days. It is difficult to determine Jerry's exact socio-economic status because, although he has clearly fallen on hard times, living in a single room in a boarding house along with an assortment of society's rejects, Jerry is very intelligent and it is clear from his few, reported possessions, that he is probably a writer, or at the very least, a struggling writer. Jerry comes from a lower class background than Peter and has never known life on the upper east side of Manhattan. Jerry initiates the action at the beginning of the play in a direct, aggressive manner telling Peter, a total stranger, "I said, I've been to the zoo. MISTER, I'VE BEEN TO THE ZOO!" He is clearly the one with a mission and that mission is to make a connection with another human being. His desire is so strong that it is the driving force of the play. Once Jerry connects with Peter by eliciting his attention with the promise of "what happened at the zoo", he is able to unburden himself with his life story that culminates in "THE STORY OF JERRY AND THE DOG".

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Profit Variance Analysis A strategic Focu Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Profit Variance Analysis A strategic Focu - Essay Example Although, prima facie, it would seem that the Company is growing at a fairly good growth rate and is in good financial health, this may not bring out the entire picture. It is very much possible that certain key indicators of business performance, like market shares, Contribution, net worth, ROI, and P/V Ratio, that is Profit volume ratios may not be as desired, but these vital parameters lie buried under the avalanche of profit statements. The Analysis reported in Table 3 fails to address certain key questions regarding the marketability of products. If the Company is a single product catering to a single market, things are easy. But, if the Company is multi-producted, having, say two or three diverse product lines, would it be logical to assume that they have the same markets and customers. This may not be true. Different products may have different markets, diverse customers and separate market shares. To club all together, would be inadequate and misleading. Therefore, different market strategies, financial costing, and management accounting principles would have to be used for the different product lines. Only then would a clear and correct picture emerge regarding contribution, PV Ratio, ROI product wise, market share and estimation of fixed, variable, semi-variable and step-fixed variable costs be correctly estimated and determined. Question 2 : Does a favorable variance imply favorable performance Answer 2 : A favorable variance, or adverse variance, does not always imply favorable or adverse performance. The connection between favorable and adverse variance on the one hand, and the favorable and adverse performance on the other, would depend upon the laying out of the strategies in the context of business, and it is only after evaluation of execution of these business strategies that it could be possible to adjudge, whether a favorable or adverse variance necessarily implies favorable or adverse product performance. (Govindarajan & John, 1989). Question 3: Table 4 shows a rather elaborate and detailed analysis of variances of operating factors such as total market share, market share of the firm, sales mix, selling price and costs. The analysis considers almost all, if not all, the factors that are of interest and importance to management. Why is this analysis incomplete Answer 3: An important aspect of variance analysis is the implementation of strategic goal settings and the constant comparison of actual performance with the targeted strategic goals. This method is connected with strategic analysis and aptly manifests the significance of integrating strategic planning with the assessment of the overall financial performance. The performance evaluation, which is a critical component of the management control process, needs to be embedded into the strategic structural framework of the firm for optimum results. In a Company, the different strategiesimplies different specialized tasks and requires different corporate behavioral patterns for effective performance. In such a

Friday, August 23, 2019

4 levels of organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

4 levels of organization - Assignment Example From the organism, several organisms make up the population. A population, therefore, is a combination of more than one organism of the same species, mostly living in a particular place at one time. For instance, group wolves also known as pride are only made up of a particular species of wolves. Species have similar biological characteristics and can breed to produce a viable offspring. However, there are different species that may be located in different geographical locations. For instance, there are different species of wolfs such as gray wolf and red wolf. The difference in the geographical locations of the species can be because of factors such as climatic conditions, the threat to extinctions because of poaching among other. According to Chapman, a community is a combination of a different population of a diverse population and species. Most of than not, categorization of community is based on the manner in which different species interact. Within the community, different species depend on each other for survival for instance wolf will depend on deer for food as the deer will depend on vegetation for their source of

A Worn Path Eudora Welty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

A Worn Path Eudora Welty - Research Paper Example The old woman’s eyesight is fast failing her but she had to make it to the hospital in the city for the sake of her grandson. Welty gave her work rich symbolic meanings in her attempt to pass her message to her readers. The title itself ‘A Worn Path’ is symbolic of the old woman’s sufferings and determination to have her grandson healed (Deakins 14). The woman must have made repeated journeys to the hospital without giving up on her hope that one day, her grandson would get well. In Phoenix, the writes captures the spirit of perseverance in desperation, the story presents the theme determination and courage through characterization of Phoenix. Nothing other than determination is what inspires the old frail woman to make repeated journeys to the city on foot to seek for a relief for her ailing grandson. Through the actions and treatment of Phoenix by other characters, the theme of courage becomes clear to readers. Eudora Welty has used different literary sty les in achieving her purpose in writing the story. This paper shall focus on her use of symbolism, characterization, and setting to develop the theme of courage in ‘A Worn Path’. Characterization There are several characters in the short story in whose reception and treatment of the old Phoenix portrays her resilient character traits. She is determined to ensure that she gets the medication for he ailing grandson. On her way to Natchez city, the old woman with a failing vision encounters a White Hunter, Black American children, a pedestrian in the city, attendant at the hospital, a nurse at the hospital, and her ailing grandson whom she has lefty back at home. Her courage is seen when she is determined to go through all the hurdles that are presented by nature on her path that passes through the jungle. Phoenix says on her way â€Å"out of my way you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons, and wild animals†¦.† (Welty para 3). When the old woman was trudgi ng through the path uphill, she pauses and looks backs and says â€Å"Up through the pines. Now down through the oak.† (Welty para 5). The woman’s journey is largely tormenting but she is courageous that she would eventually reach the city to get medication for her grandson. When the White Hunter tells her to stay home where there is safety for her frail figure, the old woman says that she must reach Natchez city. Her main goal is to get to the city undeterred by the thorny bushes, steeps, and creeks of the jungle. Her abilities to keep trudging despite her numerous challenges brings her fourth as a very determined old woman who would not bow down to anything other than achieving her desires. Phoenix resilience helps the author in building the theme of courage in the story (Wampler para 1). Phoenix is treated condescendingly by the White Hunter that picks her from a ditch where she fell into. Due to the fact that Christmas holiday was just looming, the White Hunter pre sumes that the old black woman was making such a long journey just to lay her eyes on Santa Claus. He tells Phoenix â€Å"I know you old colored people! Wouldn't miss going to town to see Santa Claus!† (Welty para 19). This statement insinuates some kind of racial bias. The White Hunter is presuming that old black people are such obsessed with Santa Claus to an extent that the woman would just make many miles of a perilous journey just to see Santa Claus. Even when the White Hunter points his gun at her, Phoenix seemed unperturbed by the threat of the gun. At the clinic from

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Math in Basketball Essay Example for Free

Math in Basketball Essay When I am upset, all I crave is bacon. It seems to bring out the good in everything. The sky is brighter when I eat bacon; the grass is greener; the glass is half full. Bacon just makes everything seem alright. I feel reenergized. Alert. Happy. Bacon is my substance of choice for mood-enhancement, as it optimally raises my dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine levels with no negative effects besides a little weight gain that is easily avoided by the addition of exercise. From an evolutionary stand point, bacon is the ideal food. Back in the day, before there were nutritionists and people ate to survive, cravings were responsible for encouraging the right balance of carbs to fats to proteins as well as the consumption of all necessary vitamins and minerals. Protein, which is found primarily in meat, proved to be one of the hardest nutrients for the ancient human being to find, since they would have to hunt animals in order to obtain it. Because of its importance to the humans diet and its difficulty to obtain, the reward system for proteins tends to be much stronger than that for any other nutrient. Carbs may result in an increased level of serotonin, but proteins release tyrosine into the blood stream which causes the release of massive amounts of dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter. Bacon also has a great fat to protein ratio. Fats are another crucial nutrient because they are effectively concentrated, stored carbs which can be converted into ATP for energy on a cellular level. Containing nine Calories of energy per gram, one gram of fat is enough to sustain an average person in an inactive, waking state for ten minutes, though it may only last me a few seconds when I am riding my horse, Kaptain. This means that the average slice of bacon can sustain the average person for about one whole hour. Maybe twenty-four slices of bacon a day is not the most healthy diet, due to its lack of carbs, vitamins, and minerals, but on a sad, dreary, rainy day, that is pretty close to what I would eat. I would probably add some eggs, pastries, orange juice, and multi-vitamins to the mix in order to have a more balanced diet, but I would definitely feel pretty comforted and happy. Just thinking about a warm, crunchy, greasy, delicious plate of bacon with a side of steaming chocolate chip pancakes is triggering my lateral hypothalamus. My pituitary gland is already telling my mouth to water, my stomach to growl and prepare digestive enzymes, and releasing the hunger hormone ghrelin. Today may not be a sad, dreary, or rainy day, but I am still craving bacons crunchy goodness. Luckily, I can somewhat control my bacon cravings and I have a fast metabolism, or else Im sure my horse would be suffering from intense back problems.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

March Of The Penguins | Analysis

March Of The Penguins | Analysis The emperor penguins have a unique and exhausting mating ritual, which is said to exemplify a traditional family life. While originally intended to be a simple nature documentary, March of the Penguins, turned into a phenomenon in the United States. Many people viewed the Emperor penguins dedication to their families and the mating ritual as a model for a traditional and conservative family that most Americans are lacking. Family values are a somewhat controversial issue due to its large basis in ethics. Ethics is a set of guidelines or morals that people or a culture use as a rubric for good or bad behavior and decisions. The family values promoted in March of the Penguins are ethical according to the American way of life. This film was produced by French filmmakers and narrated by Morgan Freeman. Furthermore, it was the second highest grossing film in the United States (Miller). After premiering in the United States, reviews began to circulate that raved of the conservation values pushed in the film as well as traditional family values. The documentary, March of the Penguins, was highly successful due to the interpretation of the portrayal of conservation in a non-scientific manner and the family values promoted by personifying the penguins in the film. March of the Penguins is a documentary created and produced by French filmmakers, Luc Jaquet, Michael Fessler, and Bonne Pioche, which documents the yearly journey of the emperor penguins in Antarctica. Narrating the American version of the film is by the infamous Morgan Freeman, who is notorious for his voice that can make any moment on film moving and meaningful. Utilizing him as the only human voice heard in the film gives it much more of an impact on audiences of all walks of life. The writers and producers created a film that document the incredible journey that these amazing animals make each year and their mating rituals that are unlike any other. Emperor penguins have many fine characteristics, that unless seen up close they would never be visible to the human eye. Emperors are the largest of all penguins-an average bird stands some 45 inches (115 centimeters) tall (Forsteri). Emperor penguins are the father of all penguins. Each summer the Emperor penguins hunt and feed on fish in the ocean. The penguins instinctively begin their journey seventy miles inland as a species to the mating grounds where they then find their perfect mate for the next year. While at the mating grounds, the female emperor penguin gives birth to a single egg. After she gives birth, she leaves for the ocean to feed again while the male emperor penguin remains at the mating grounds with the other males to warm and protect their egg all through the brutal winter. These penguins attain their physical features in order to survive the harsh habitat they have to reside in. The males wait until the females return in the spring when their young hatch from the ir eggs. The winter is extremely relentless and harsh in Antarctica, especially inland where the mating ground is. There are several sunless days and many more with little sunlight. The males have no food to eat and must rely on the fat they built up over the summer to feed them and keep them warm through the season. These penguins use many conservation tactics in order to survive in the worst of times. By the time the egg has hatched, emperor penguins will have fasted about 65 days through icy temperatures and they will have survived the brutal wind chills of inland Antarctica reaching as low -76ÂÂ °F (Forsteri). To help survive, the males all gather in a large huddle with their backs to the outside to keep warm. They rotate turns being on the outside where it is the coldest and being in the center where it is the warmest. By learning and utilizing how penguins conserve can only benefit everyone on a global level. Reducing our own carbon footprint will decrease the effects of Global Warming. One of the most important things we can do, as penguins do, is work in a group. Humans should help others and work with others in conserving energy, similar to the way emperor penguins work as a group to keep each other warm. Humans can cut down on the use of air conditioning and heat, for example, which will save a vast amount of energy. There are numerous ways for humans to conserve our habitat, similar to the way penguins conserve their habitat which will help our earth as a whole. The females then return in the spring just as their young are hatching so that they can feed them and relieve the males from their long months of protecting their offspring with no food. The mothers take the task of teaching the young penguin chicks about the world, because one day soon those baby chicks will have to carry on the tradition for the survival of their species (Anderson). As in traditional American families, the mother penguin is in charge of caring for their offspring after they emerge from the egg. The filming technique in March of the Penguins is impressive and gives the documentary a much more up close and personal feeling. There are many close-ups of the penguins throughout the documentary. Additionally, scenes reveal footage that have never been captured on film. One of the more touching moments occurs during the mating season, an Emperor penguin couple pose with their heads bowed down together in an almost kissing embrace. They were also able to capture the penguins as they were feeding underwater during the summer, preparing to make their amazing journey inland for the winter. Being able to see these creatures up close puts the viewers in their shoes, if they could wear any. The shots that these videographers were able to capture are breathtaking and captivating, in turn keeping the audience enthralled throughout an otherwise boring and straightforward documentary. The filming techniques in this documentary are most definitely a large part of the reason for its huge succe ss in the United States. The translation appears that the message of family values is a form of expression through the movie March of the Penguins. Let us assume that when groups of people watch or listen to a film, each individual will interpret the information differently. Peoples personal views are ethically different, depending on what he or she understands and perceives to be true and right. When interviewed by the London Times March of the Penguins director Jacquet, who has never made a film for the cinema before, is concerned that his documentary has been hijacked. For me there is no doubt about evolution. I am a scientist. The intelligent design theory is a step back to the thinking of 300 years ago. My film is not supposed to be interpreted in this way (Malvern). Yet by examining the film, its message reveals a strong suggestion of traditional family values and monogamy. For example, the films story of unswerving portrayal that penguins function in the same manner each mating season cycle. It reinforces monogamous heterosexual family makeup as a natural and necessary part of life. The story of the penguins depicts total parental sacrifice and dedication to the offspring and the traditional family structure. First, in the scenes in which the penguins are having intercourse are only implied. The director only reveals intimate shots of wings and beaks, as tender loving music plays in the background. This parallels the idea of traditional family values, rather than the actual act shown, as if the penguins intercourse is offensive. Furthermore, the film characterizes the penguin family as incomplete unless both parents and the chick are together, seeing that a single parent does not represent a traditional family structure. One scene in the film, a mother penguin loses her chick, Morgan Freeman expresses that the loss is unbearable and the film illustrate s painful flashbacks in reference to the moments that the mother cherishes with her chick. The insinuation of these scenes to many traditional families understandably personifies penguins, as if they are the perfect human. It is unspoken that mothers should only exist for the welfare of their children and family. Somehow a notion has taken root that there is a whole persona that you have to adopt to impress people and convince them you have the perfect family (Ferguson, 148). No individual is perfect, nor is any family by any means. Taking a closer look at this film assists families in evaluating their own family value system. As a scientist Jacquet realized, What I really discovered [in Antarctica] was my desire to be a storyteller, he explains. There are other people there who know the story; there are geologists and physicians and meteorologists and they experience all of this, but I felt like it was really my calling to be able to share this with the outside world (Grady). The film imitates human characteristics, such as the closeness of the family unit. The film portrays the story of the penguins as a love tale, displaying the unconditional love of the family dynamics through sacrifice, discipline, and unconditional love for their children, that we as individuals could learn from. Lastly, the documentary was not scientific in how they depicted the tale of the Emperor penguin. Richard A. Blake, co-director of the film, states You get a sense of these animals following their natural instincts are really exercising virtue that for humans would be quite admirable, he said. I could see it as a statement on monogamy or condemnation of gay marriage or whatever the current agenda is (Miller). By humanizing the story, the audience is able to effectively grasp and sympathize with the lives of the penguins, by association with their own. Conservation and family values are important subjects to Americans today. Both influence their lives in various but important ways. Having good conservation practices and being concerned with the atmosphere will help better our environment and the world for those who are yet to come in the future. Family values affect how people act and react to situations and carry themselves among their families. How a person is raised in their home as a young person up until their adulthood shapes them into who they will become. This then affects how they treat others and how they decide what is wrong or right in society once they are on their own. The documentary, March of the Penguins, is a film that inspires audiences in America to become more environmentally conscious and better their family life and values at home.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Management roles of emirates airline

Management roles of emirates airline In todays competitive business industries, travel and tourism industry is one of the worlds biggest and fastest growing industries. Now People are travelling for leisure, recreation, business purpose and most of them are travelling as a part of their employment than ever before. Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. According to United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO, 2009) there were over 922 million international tourist arrivals in 2008, with a growth of 1.9% as compared to 2007. Now travel and tourism industry has become one of the largest and dynamically developing sectors of economic industries. A country can earn a massive amount of foreign currency by travel and tourism. The development and growth rates of tourism industry, significant volumes of foreign currency inflows, infrastructure development, and introduction of new management affect various sectors of economy. It completely contributes to the social and economic development of a country. Trav el and tourism business makes an important connection to the world, which provides services to people from another region or country. Airline industry makes a vital role to increase tourism and travel industry. Its one of the most important parts in tourism and hospitality sector and Emirates airlines is not an exception as it play an important role in the hospitality and tourism sector. 1.1 Overview of Emirates Airline: Emirates Airline is one of the major airlines in the Middle East. It is a subsidiary of The Emirates Group. The Emirates Story (2010), states that Emirates had started the air business with only two aircrafts-Boeing 737 and Airbus 300 B4 and had flown its first route out of Dubai on 25th October 1985. Now with a fleet of 137 aircrafts, Emirates Airlines provide their services in 60 different countries. With this massive number of aircraft in their fleet they manage fly to over 100 big cities around the world. Each week almost  700 Emirates flights depart from Dubai, the biggest emirates of UAE (United Arab Emirates) on their way to different destinations on  six continents. Yearly the expansion of Emirates has never been lower than 20%. From the Emirates Story, 2010 it found that, after third in operation the airline recorded an annual profit in every single year. From Emirates website, the Emirates Group (2010), Sky-Cargo division is the freight division of Emirates airlines whi ch under take their cargo activities and provides inclusive cargo solutions to more than 100 destinations in over 60 countries on six continents. According to The Emirates Group (2010), in 2008, Emirates Sky-Cargo stimulated its operations into the 43,600 square metres state-of-the-art Cargo Mega Terminal and yearly it can process 1.2 million tonnes of cargo. In 2001, Emirates announced the largest valued at $15 billion order in aviation history which confirmed its future growth in Airline industry. For its speedily growing fleet, Emirates added a stunning number of 58 new aircrafts, with the mixers of Airbus and Boeing . Now Emirates is growing rapidly and carried a lot more passengers than before. The Emirates Story (2010) also shows that in 2007/2008, Emirates carried 21.2 million passengers and  carried 1.3 million tonnes of cargo which indicates that Emirates is one of the fastest growing airlines in the airline business. 1.2 Leadership and management roles of Emirate Airline: Leadership and management which are seen very differently by diverse group of people. Some individuals see these terms as synonyms, while others approach them as extreme opposites; so extreme, in fact, that they would argue that at the same time a good manager and a good leader cannot be the same person. Still other people reside somewhere in the middle. But the fact is these two terms are often interchanged. Pascale, R. (1990) defined Leadership as the sculpture of creating an environment and influencing people to follow a chosen direction willingly. It requires a clear vision and guide followers along a path that realizes the vision.In1980,the president of American association defined (cited by Patrick J, M. et al, 2000) that management is getting things through other people. Patrick J, M et al (2000) pointed that the current definition of management is working with and through other people to accomplish the objectives of both the organisation and its member. Management organises, controls or directs people or resources in a group, these are done according to morality that have already been established. Management and leadership, both are necessary to make teams and organizations successful. Just like the right or left wing of an airplanes flight. Without leadership and management business cannot attain its organisational goals. Emirates leadership and management process play an important role for the continuing success of Emirates Airlines. Sheik Ahmed Bin Saeed Al-Maktoum, Chairman and Chief Executive of Emirates Airline who is highly talented and under his leadership, Emirates has grown from a local airline operating three destinations has become a highly praised international airline and fastest-growing international carrier which operates more than 100 locations in over 60 countries (The Emirates Story, 2010). Now Emirates is one of the largest airlines in Middle East. No doubt that their talented leaders play a vital role but this has been made possible through their excellent management techniques, quality customer service and highly skilled diverse workforce. Chairman and Chief Executive of Emirates Airline alongside with other leaders have been capable to show their natural ability that they can lead the company economically and effectively (The Emirates Group: Leadership, 2010). Leaders of Emirates are always responsible, being very grown up, treating people equally, being honest, working hard, prioritising and planning, connecting their staff in their thinking and especially in managing change. The management and leadership teams know how to make the airline business attractive to customers and how to admire those who are worthy of praise for making the company successful. 2.0 Concept of Management, Leadership and Motivation Management, leadership and motivation play an important role for the success of company. Emirate Airline like any other organization or company needs effective leadership and excellent management to direct their staffs to get the achievement of specific objectives. 2.1 Management Theories: The unique behavioural pattern adopted by a leader to motivate and influence the behaviour of subordinates, is called Management theories. It is an ongoing process which helps to get something through people or to use resources to generate profit. Management can create a condition and by the appropriate implication of this condition, organization can achieve their goals. Mainly there are three different types of management styles; bureaucratic management style, participative management style and strategic management style. Emirates Airline is trying to be competitive and marketable by using different management styles. The management style of Emirates typifies a combination of participatory and strategic management. Lamb (1984) pointed Strategic management is an ongoing process that evaluates and controls the business and the industries in which the company is involved; assesses its competitors and sets goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors. The companys strategic apex deals with planning and developing initiatives on behalf of owners, connecting proper use of resources to increase the performance of company in their external environments. Emirates use strategic management style to establish the mission of company, vision and objectives, initial policies and plans, often in terms of projects and programs. All these are designed to achieve a competitive advantage in the travel market. Participative management is the management style where decisions are consulted with the subordinates, by their manager, before implementation. This management style helps to create good relation between manager and employee .Participative management is like democratic management which allows employee to take strong decision making role. After establishing this management, company will get more profit and can reduce its cost. The management of Emirates involves their employees and other stakeholders to take part in making decisions. Emirate encouraged their employee to give their own ideas to identify and get organizational-goals, to solve problem and other decisions that can straight affect the company. The management of Emirates take decision in consultation with their subordinates 2.1 Leadership theories: Leadership means having an ability and desire to inspire and influence others. From trait theory, leaders are born with leading leadership qualities and also inherit positive qualities and personality that make them to be leader. When someone has five traits such as honesty, inspiring, forward-looking, competent, intelligent, he will be a good leader. The spirited advantage and position of Emirates can be endorsed by their leaders. Behavioural perspective of leadership holds that anybody who demonstrates the appropriate behaviour can be an effective leader. Leaders are made by learning appropriate behaviour and not trait. The key contribution of the behavioural perspective was the identification of effective management systems working inside an organisation. The contingency or situational model of leadership emphasise on the nature of the circumstance. Emirates Airlines leadership do not have one particular leadership style and the leaders of Emirates are able to incorporate patience as well as the will to attain compromise with the ability to act rapidly and decisively. The leaders of Emirates are democratic and the leadership composes the ability and skills to motivate and influence the activities and the thoughts of people or subordinates. Their leaders make a social influence which encourages staff to achieve common goal. 2.2 Motivation theories: Motivation was initially came from the Latin word movere. Movere means to move. Motivation is a process which influences people to do. According to Campbell Pritchard (1976) Motivation has to do with a set of independent or dependent variable relationships that explain the direction, amplitude and persistence of an individuals behaviour, holding constant the effects of amplitude, skill and understanding of the task and the constraints operating in the environment. There are different types of theory such as Maslows Hierarchy of Needs theory, Alderfers Existence-Relatedness-Growth theory and Herzbergs Motivator-Hygiene theory. These theories are revealed to motivate people that help the leader of a company to motivate his employee. Maslow motivation theory is one of them which are most popular theory of human motivation. According to Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (2002-2010) psychologist Abraham Maslow developed a motivation theory, in this theory basic and low-level needs such as physi ological needs and safety have to be satisfied before higher-level needs such as self- actualization are pursued. Maslow motivation theory covers all basic requirements of an individual and it would please them. Maslow theory is based on five levels of needs; these are from bottom to top- physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization. The lower level such as physiological and safety needs has been met by employee then higher level needs become important. Emirates Airline motivates their employee strongly. For this reason lots of diverse people are interested to work with Emirates group. To encourage the best from those who want to build up their future pathways with Emirates Airline, they offer a vast number of employee benefits, acknowledgment, encouragement as well as performance programmes. Well trained and skilled employees are the key for the success of a company. So Emirates provide vocational training and development to ensure their peop le are able to do their job well. The Emirates Group Carriers Centre, FAQs ( 2010) stated that high performing Cabin Crew have been able to attain the position of Flight Purser within five years and many have also become trainers in cabin service. 3.0 Cultural diversity A variety of different societies or peoples with dissimilar origins, religions and traditions all are living and interacting together -That is cultural diversity. Many people from different part of the world are not treated fairly in their work place because of their race, nationality, creed, sexual orientation, background, age or even disability but it is essential for every organization that all people are treated with respect. If individuals treated unfairly or inaccessible by their managers or other employee because of their race, nationality, cultural differences and other reason , company will loss productivity. Cultural diversity plays a vital role to reach out on a worldwide level for an organization which has a varied or diverse group of employee. Managing diversity focus organisation to obtain a better perceptive of how other cultures do business which is a fundamental element for doing business in todays worldwide marketplace. Developing diversity provides different types of ideas from different people and variety of viewpoints give larger pool of idea that can provide a competitive edge in company. All Successful and winning company need to take urgent action to establish managing diversity in the workplace. 3.1 Managing culturally diverse workforce of Emirates Airlines: In todays global market managers of every organisation should focus on culturally diverse workplace or employees in order to increase organizational effectiveness. In the Middle East, Emirates Airlines also weigh up and evaluate diversity process which is a significant part of their management system. Emirates employee diversity of over 160 nationalities is a unique strength for them as a global organisation and their divers employees are from different nationalities, cultures, religious and ethnic backgrounds. Their diverse employees get new ideas, innovations and thinking styles which help them to lead the business to success (Emirates Group: Cultural Diversity, 2010). Emirates Airlines recruit and endorse or promote people without discrimination and treat all people with respect and give every employee with the opportunity to build up to the full. Emirates Airline ensures cultural diversity through the following means: Communication: Language plays an important factor to understand others. In a company where there is more than one native language or different cultural background, communication problems will arise. In some company they have interpreters but this double translation offers more opportunities for misunderstanding. In Emirates Airlines, they use international language English for communication and it is used within the industry throughout the world. As English is an international language and learn by different people from different countries Emirates use English as a common language to manage a culturally diverse workforce. The website of Emirates, recruitments process and advertisement is also done in English. Equal opportunity: Equal opportunity means when all people in company are treated equally and fairly. In Emirates, they consider all people individually, treat them fairly and also provide opportunities for development and progression. As the management of Emirates treat their employees well, they too can treat each other with respect and provide best service to their clients. In Emirates Airlines men and women employees are treated equally and recruitment process provides both men and women an equal chance of selection. Recruitment: Emirates airlines recruit from a diversified workforce. They recruit both men and women and do not think that talented is the exclusive preserve of men, white population or their countrymen. Talent does not lie exclusively with the white men, Arabic, Asians or Chinese. The management of Emirates policy is only searching talented and suitable people. They are not bothered where these talentes came from, what is their religion, sex or culture. 3.2 Managing culturally diverse customers of Emirates Airlines: Managing culturally diverse customer is fundamental element for business because customer is business and without customer there is no business. Every organisation has its own cultural frame and successful leadership should shift ahead of its cultural structure of reference to support well-built intercultural communication and also produce and build up culturally designed or culturally considered services, products or goods that provide international standard. As Emirates presently fly to over 100  destinations in  60 countries around the world (The Emirates Story, 2010), it means they are serving or operating different origins and backgrounds with different work habit, different cultural attitudes, different ethnic group, multinational and diverse people.    Communication: Effective communication are fundamental for the success of business, it is in terms of advertising company products and services which is provided by company to their clients. Emirates must know what their customers want and also listen to other business contact, such as banker, investor or supplier. If Emirates does not know what their customers want, then it is impossible to create business market. For providing good service and creating understandable communication with their customer Emirates provide international language. Their customers are diversed; in this case they use English which is understandable for all types of people. When people have communication problem then it creats a great disaster for their future business, company will not exit because they have failed to make relationship with their customers. Food service The cultures of Emirates are Middle Eastern culture. They provide Arabic style food which is really tasty and they give very open-handed portions. Their food taste has already attracted different religious, different ethnic group and different customers from different cultural backgrounds. As Emirates follows Islamic food handling procedures, so in their flight they never serve alcohol so that if passengers want they may serve themselves. Travel House UK on Wednesday 11 August, 2010 posted that during Ramadan period they provided iftar to their customers. According to travel news (2010) Emirates Vice President Aircraft Catering of Emirates Robin Padgett told that even as they take pride in their cultural diversity, the foundation of Emirates is based on Islamic culture so they are committed to ensuring that their Muslim passengers are well looked after during the holy month of Ramadan and their non-fasting passengers will continue to enjoy the world-class meals that Emirates provide globally. 4.0 Effective Management, Leadership and Motivation across culture: In todays business leaders should know how to lead and motivate workforces across many diverse cultural backgrounds and take action to the requirements and expectations of different types of customers those who come from different cultures. Management is a process and company activities which involves getting people together to achieve wanted goals and objectives economically and effectively. Principles of effective management based on planning, organizing or directing and controlling. Planning is an important element for effective management and it is a process, determines what action needs to be done to achieve company goal and what their future goal is. Organising and directing involves employee of company and resources like finance, materials and time. Organising is a way in which work is done. An effective management always organises and direct that employees are engaged in working on performance to meet plan and goal of company. It also involves motivating staff because motivating employee is the way to the determined hard work which is needed for efficient performance. Organizational relationship is important for effective management. Companies are concern about cultural diversity because almost every organisation operates different types of people from different ethnic group or multicultural that means company operates diverse customers and diverse employees. An effective management always focus on customer satisfaction because customers are the main element for their business, without customer business cannot exist. If the management focus on diverse employees in their organisation and give them equal opportunity they can get the idea how to deal with diverse customers which is beneficial for global business. Controlling is the way of monitoring and modifiable performance to ensure that it conforms to the plans and the goals of the company and involves taking the proper corrective act to make sure that what is really phenomenon or happening is in accordance with the expectations of planning process. Effective management is not only selected according to the culture of business but also with the environment of workforce. Management style run by a leader, so effective leadership is essential to create effective management. Management is not possible without a suitable leader. According to Fullan M. (2001), effective leadership has to have a clear making-a-difference sense of purpose, bring into play strategies that assemble many people to solve problems, be held responsible by calculated and arguable indicators of success and be eventually assessed by the amount to which it awakens peoples basic commitment which is none other than the mobilizing of everyones sense of moral purpose. Effective leader has to have clear idea how to deal with diverse people; he is democratic and encourages his employees in decision making process which help him to make relation with his employee, more concerned with communicating vision and also succeed by motivating, encouraging, stimulating and connecting their employees. A good leader knows how to motivate his employee who comes from different cultural background. In an organisation people have the right equipment, right knowledge, skills and abilities and the right type of organisational framework. But even after that they need something which drives them willing to do the work for the success of company or organisation. According to Peters and Waterman (1982) pointed that management should be dedicated to the motivation of its human resources and successful companies stress strategies which empower employees and give them control of their work and their work environment. Jacson, T. (1995) said that work motivation can be accredited to the nature of person needs and to the allocation by managers of work related outcomes perceived by employees as both valid and relevant. 4.1 Impact of Emirates Airlines Motivation, Management and leadership Styles Today Emirates airline has gain competitive position and getting market place by their effective management and leadership. The leadership of emirates airlines are based on the leadership style of family. Emirates airlines leadership analysis(2009), found that Emirates leadership style are democratic which means their management encourage other members to connect themselves and other members of the conglomerate especially the shareholders are engage to take the final decision. Leaders of Emirates are motivating employees; motivation is their way to inspire their employees to do willingly which help the company to get marvellous success in airlines market. Under different situations, individual will respond differently. Now Emirates have been operating flights in different cities all over the world and corporate plan gives importance with the diversity of their stakeholders, specifically with their clients. They are also dedicated with the diversity of their clients and their management approach are diverse which involves that the clients and communities of Emirates obtain marvellous service and their fervent and committed staff and employees provide very good service to their clients. According to Emirates airlines leadership analysis (2009), the present move of Emirates Airliners is to set itself as an airline industry leader with a focus strategy in the airline industry. Emirates Airlines aims to expand their business to reach more clients which will enable them to be more profitable. Their management are customer focus, they know that if they involves huge amount of money they will get marvellous profit and by this Emirates can gain a competitive position in air market. Change management are very important because it allow the company to adjust with the stable changes in the worldwide market. Emirates leader have declared a major misshapen in the company. Their change is to develop their airline services and by means of more enhanced information technology system. These technologies have led to a boost within the community of the airline industry which allow them to have more employees from different countries. The key elements of continuing business success of Emirates are not only their management but also their employment of high quality multi-cultural team who come more than 160 nationalities (Cultural diversity: Emirates Group, 2010). Emirates Group (2010), article states that Emirates effective management and talented leaders help employees to become one of the worlds best airhostess winning more than 400 awards which help them to recognize a name for superiority in aviation and travel industry. The successful Executive Chairman of Emirates, H H Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum who thinks that sponsorship is fundamental in the airlines marketing strategy and it is one of the best way to incorporate with passengers or clients which allows Emirates to share and support their customers or consumers comfort and to construct a high valued personal relationship with their stakeholders. Rick Helliwell, the vice president recruitment of Emirates (sponsorship, About Emirates Group, 2010) pointed that the broad range of worldwide sponsorships that the airline supports parallels the variety of the employees on the airline and in Emirates as there are a huge amount of diverse employee who comes from 140 nationalities working together and their high performance team competing internationally are able to provide the customer superior services and best products. Now it can be said that Emirates management and leadership make an impact for them to become one of the worlds fastest growing a irlines. 5.0 Recommendation and conclusion: It can be said that in competitive and worldwide accepted airline market, Emirates Airline has been capable to have a competitive and well-known position by its effective management and leadership in Dubai and global recognised airline industry. It is recommended that the diverse employee of Emirates must be able to give superior service to their customers, because their effective leadership have been able to bring jointly a vast number of individuals with miscellaneous background which is a powerful team and a source of strength. To provide superior services to their clients, they have recruited talented and superior people from different countries or different ethnic group or different culture. It is also recommended that their management must do more in working with diverse people. The leadership should provide new ideas which are beneficial for the company and every time the company upgrade their service delivery to provide number one services to their customer. Emirates need to empower its employees to get profit and competitive position in competitive global business market. To enhance the satisfaction of employees, the leadership can choose to send some of their staff on continuous professional training which will expose them to new idea, better motivated and will also help to make good relation among employee and leader. It is recommended that the strategic management of Emirates Airlines give significance with the diversity of their stakeholders, especially with their customers, because the diversification management systems provide excellent services and products to their clients by their trained, fervent and enthusiastic staffs and employees. The strategic management should do more to guide Emirates from the motivation theory and challenges and opportunities which appear in the market environment as they have done in the latest of the 2000s if they are to build on their successes.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Wang Lung :: essays research papers

Many times those who benefit from their hard work fail to include those who have contributed to it. Often these contributors are left out when the rewards are reaped. Such is the case in The Good Earth, written by Pearl S. Buck in 1923. The man named Wang Lung received many dividends for his dedication to the land and to his family, and, in many ways, he was deserving of it. Throughout his life, Wang Lung worked hard for the wealth and social status that became of him, but he was not capable of earning it alone, and therefore he did not earn it all himself. In the earlier years of his life, Wang Lung was humble man. He had little and he needed little. His house was small and it was made of "great squares of earth dug from their [Wang Lung and his father's] own fields, and thatched with straw from their own wheat." Then O-lan arrived from the great house. She took much of the responsibility that Wang had once had, which gave him more time to work his land and eventually buy more land. When difficult times fell upon the Wang Lung family and their land, they traveled south to the city. Although the "great fat fellow", out of fear, gave Wang Lung the gold, which he used to return to his land, it was O-lan's ingenuity in searching out the jewels that made Wang Lung a wealthy man. With these jewels, Wang Lung bought much land from the Great House and he also hired numerous men to work this new land. 	 In his later years, Wang Lung became conceited and egotistical. He believed that he had achieved his wealth and prosperity alone and that he was extremely deserving of it all. He had become very successful. He had sons in his home, a second wife, a large home, and many slaves. Eventually he even inhabited the Great House. All this he took credit for. In fact, without O-lan , he would have had no sons. In addition to her child bearing, O-lan worked equally as vigorously in the fields as Wang Lung did. Once Wang Lung found O-lan's jewels, he bought plentiful amounts of land and hired many workers, which left him with little responsibility. With this free time, he frequented the "great tea house" where Lotus had been employed as a prostitute. Without O-lan's resourcefulness, Wang Lung :: essays research papers Many times those who benefit from their hard work fail to include those who have contributed to it. Often these contributors are left out when the rewards are reaped. Such is the case in The Good Earth, written by Pearl S. Buck in 1923. The man named Wang Lung received many dividends for his dedication to the land and to his family, and, in many ways, he was deserving of it. Throughout his life, Wang Lung worked hard for the wealth and social status that became of him, but he was not capable of earning it alone, and therefore he did not earn it all himself. In the earlier years of his life, Wang Lung was humble man. He had little and he needed little. His house was small and it was made of "great squares of earth dug from their [Wang Lung and his father's] own fields, and thatched with straw from their own wheat." Then O-lan arrived from the great house. She took much of the responsibility that Wang had once had, which gave him more time to work his land and eventually buy more land. When difficult times fell upon the Wang Lung family and their land, they traveled south to the city. Although the "great fat fellow", out of fear, gave Wang Lung the gold, which he used to return to his land, it was O-lan's ingenuity in searching out the jewels that made Wang Lung a wealthy man. With these jewels, Wang Lung bought much land from the Great House and he also hired numerous men to work this new land. 	 In his later years, Wang Lung became conceited and egotistical. He believed that he had achieved his wealth and prosperity alone and that he was extremely deserving of it all. He had become very successful. He had sons in his home, a second wife, a large home, and many slaves. Eventually he even inhabited the Great House. All this he took credit for. In fact, without O-lan , he would have had no sons. In addition to her child bearing, O-lan worked equally as vigorously in the fields as Wang Lung did. Once Wang Lung found O-lan's jewels, he bought plentiful amounts of land and hired many workers, which left him with little responsibility. With this free time, he frequented the "great tea house" where Lotus had been employed as a prostitute. Without O-lan's resourcefulness,

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Thomas W. Lippmans Understanding Islam Essays -- Thomas Lippman Islam

Thomas W. Lippman's Understanding Islam Thomas W. Lippman gives an introduction to the Muslim world in the book Understanding Islam. He has traveled throughout the Islamic world as Washington Post bureau chief for the Middle East, and as a correspondent in Indochina. This gave him, in his own words, "sharp insight into the complexities of that turbulent region." However, the purpose of the book is not to produce a critical or controversial interpretation of Islamic scripture. It is instead to give the American layman an broad understanding of a religion that is highly misunderstood by many Americans. In this way he dispels many myths about "Muslim militants," and the otherwise untrue perception of Islamic violence. In this way the American reader will become more knowledgeable about an otherwise unfamiliar topic. However, the most significant element of Lippman’s book is that it presents Islam in a simple way that makes the reader feels his awareness rise after each chapter. This encourages him to continue learn ing about the world’s youngest major religion. Understanding Islam dispels many misconceptions about the Muslim world, and presents the subject in a way that urges his reader to further his understanding of Islam through continued study. The book lays the foundation of Islamic basic beliefs and practices. Muslims believe in one God, and feel their religion continues the Judaic and Christian traditions. Arab peoples "trace their origins to the patriarch Abraham, who, according to the Koran was neither Jew nor Christian, but a kind of universal ancestor of monotheists" (5). Thus, Muslims believe in the same God as Jews and Christians. The Islamic translation for God is Allah. Many Americans think of Alla... ... Understanding Islam gives a broad outline which could help to erase American misconceptions about this religion, and could be helpful in easing global racial tensions. The book is not top of the line scholarship about Islam; it is for the uninformed or otherwise unaware beginner. After reading this book the reader has a basic understanding of Islam, devoid of many American or western misconceptions. However, Lippman explains that the holy book is not spelled "Koran," but rather "Qur-an," though he uses the first spelling throughout the book (56). The real version is written in arabic, but I would have rather him used the more authentic spelling. In this way I see that this book was beneficial, but not the final word. It is a good book because it lays a positive foundation for Americans, and hopes to inspire them to continue their study of a fascinating religion. Thomas W. Lippman's Understanding Islam Essays -- Thomas Lippman Islam Thomas W. Lippman's Understanding Islam Thomas W. Lippman gives an introduction to the Muslim world in the book Understanding Islam. He has traveled throughout the Islamic world as Washington Post bureau chief for the Middle East, and as a correspondent in Indochina. This gave him, in his own words, "sharp insight into the complexities of that turbulent region." However, the purpose of the book is not to produce a critical or controversial interpretation of Islamic scripture. It is instead to give the American layman an broad understanding of a religion that is highly misunderstood by many Americans. In this way he dispels many myths about "Muslim militants," and the otherwise untrue perception of Islamic violence. In this way the American reader will become more knowledgeable about an otherwise unfamiliar topic. However, the most significant element of Lippman’s book is that it presents Islam in a simple way that makes the reader feels his awareness rise after each chapter. This encourages him to continue learn ing about the world’s youngest major religion. Understanding Islam dispels many misconceptions about the Muslim world, and presents the subject in a way that urges his reader to further his understanding of Islam through continued study. The book lays the foundation of Islamic basic beliefs and practices. Muslims believe in one God, and feel their religion continues the Judaic and Christian traditions. Arab peoples "trace their origins to the patriarch Abraham, who, according to the Koran was neither Jew nor Christian, but a kind of universal ancestor of monotheists" (5). Thus, Muslims believe in the same God as Jews and Christians. The Islamic translation for God is Allah. Many Americans think of Alla... ... Understanding Islam gives a broad outline which could help to erase American misconceptions about this religion, and could be helpful in easing global racial tensions. The book is not top of the line scholarship about Islam; it is for the uninformed or otherwise unaware beginner. After reading this book the reader has a basic understanding of Islam, devoid of many American or western misconceptions. However, Lippman explains that the holy book is not spelled "Koran," but rather "Qur-an," though he uses the first spelling throughout the book (56). The real version is written in arabic, but I would have rather him used the more authentic spelling. In this way I see that this book was beneficial, but not the final word. It is a good book because it lays a positive foundation for Americans, and hopes to inspire them to continue their study of a fascinating religion.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

In the Mood for Interior Design

Kathryn Terry Professor Mooney Eng105N 5 March, 2012 In the Mood for Interior Design There are many things that affect one’s mood in the world. Mood seems like something simple that people can change themselves. But, in fact, mood is affected by more than just the people around or how one is feeling. The way a room is designed and laid out and the colors that one picks for the room affect a person’s mood more than most realize. Many aspects of interior design affect people’s moods.The Article, â€Å"Occupation Information,† states that interior designers prepare specifications for interior construction materials, space planning, lighting, finishes, equipment and furnishing. They also develop designs that are appropriate, functional and aesthetically pleasing for others. Reading blueprints, understanding building and fire codes and knowing how to make space accessible to people who are disabled are things interior designers must know. Traditionally, most in terior designers focus on choosing a style, color, and pattern and then selecting appropriate lighting, furnishing, window covering and artwork for the home. Interior designers may work alone as consultants or with a design group† (Occupation Information†). They often visit clients in their homes and offices and they often work on weekends and long hours. Personal requirements for interior designers are being creative, having an artistic flair, being good at problem solving and lateral things and being good at technical drawing and illustration (â€Å"Occupation Information†). April Sanders states that interior designers have know for a long time that room decoration and color affects moods (Sanders). Every room in a house has the ability to affect one’s atmosphere and mood.Anna Starmer says that, â€Å"†¦one’s home can become a haven of mood enhancing spaces to calm the soul and refresh the mind† (Starmer 19). Furnishing, accessories, pa int colors, room arrangements and even scents in a room can affect the mood of the person in the room (Sanders). Shilpa Shah writes that colors are light waves that are reflected and absorbed by all things around a person. â€Å"Color is the language of the universe† (Shah). It can interconnect the heart, body and soul, soothe one’s emotions, spur energy into a person, and protect and raise one’s health and spirit (Shah).Mary Nicholson says that color, without realizing it, can have a larger effect on how one feels both mentally and physically (Nicholson). Leslie Brown says that people cannot believe what their eyes are telling them when it comes to color, nor can they believe what they know to be true (Leslie Brown 12). In the article, â€Å"Feng Shui Colors,† it says that since the beginning of time, color therapy has been used by the ancient Egyptians and the Greeks who assigned specific colors to specific illnesses. One actually does not have to see a color to benefit from it. Blind people can feel the difference in colors by touch† (â€Å"Feng Shui Colors†). Too strong or too much of a color will do no one any favors, particularly if they want a relaxing atmosphere (Brown 12). Every color has a different effect on people’s moods. Red is a warm color that is great for grabbing attention and can increase brain activity and one’s pulse rate. It is great for adding a sense of drama to a space and is also great for creating a party atmosphere (â€Å"Feng Shui Colors†). Red can advance the eye to make a space seem cozier (Leslie Brown 12).It is also associated with fire and passion and can be used to stimulate and intensify emotion. One does however, have to use red sparingly, because it can become overwhelming and make people feel aggressive or moody if they stay in the room too long. Red was preserved as being rough and warm when it was touched by the blind (â€Å"Feng Shui Colors†). Another warm color is orange. Orange is a stimulating color that is often associated with enthusiasm, optimism, and sociability. Orange is a great color when entertaining visitors, for example in a dining room.One wants to avoid using a lot of orange in a bedroom because it can be over stimulating (â€Å"Feng Shui Colors†). When mixed with yellow, orange can have the ability to overcome clutter (Leslie Brown 104). Orange is a color that works well when mixed with other colors as long as the colors do not clash (Leslie Brown 106). Yellow is another color that is in the warm family. Yellow is great for lifting spirits, raising energy levels and decreasing negativity. It is particularly good for encouraging intellectual progress and focusing the mind. Yellow is ull of creative and intellectual energy (â€Å"Feng Shui Colors†). Yellow is one of the most approachable colors, because it is capable of extraordinary variations and because at its deepest and strongest, it never gets d ark. Yellow is a perfect practical color because of its friendliness and versatility (Leslie Brown 99). One does have to be careful when mixing yellow with other colors though. Gray and white are two colors that work very well with yellow (Leslie Brown 97). Green is a cool color. Green is associated with calming and peace, and promotes feelings of safety.It is the strongest of the secondary colors and it acts like a primary. The balancing, restful qualities in greens make for an obvious Feng Shui decorating color choice for living rooms, bedrooms and places of retreat. A soft green bathroom can also be very relaxing. â€Å"It is a very useful color for people who are experimenting wayward teenagers or people who seem out of balance on an emotional level† (â€Å"Feng Shui Colors†). Blue is also a cool color. Blue is one of the easiest and best colors to use because it comes in so many different shades.It is the color of infinity because the sky is blue and the sky goes on forever (Leslie Brown 80). Blue can reduce tension and stress and is useful in calming negative emotions when tempers are running high. It is also associated with effective communication and clear thought and is great for focusing the mind. Blue was perceived as cool and smooth when the blind touched it. Too much blue can be cold and depressing, so one should avoid it if they are prone to moodiness and low mood swings (â€Å"Feng Shui Colors†). Another cool color is purple.Purple was very expensive to create, therefore it is a color of majesty (Leslie Brown 129). Purple is a color linked with activities such as mediation and healing and is known as the psychic color. â€Å"Purple can have a calming and restorative effect in a bedroom as it encourages introspection which is key at night time when your energy needs to be focused inward† (Feng Shui Colors†). When one mixes purple with other colors, it can lose its daunting majesty to become a modern spice for sta rk spaces (Leslie Brown 130). Pink is the ultimate feminine color of love and nurturing.It is a color often presented as a color that one paints a small girl’s room because it is so bold. Pink is not as ditzy as people make it out to be (Leslie Brown123). It is great for creating a sense of calmness and is great for hyperactive children. Someone with sleep difficulties and someone who has just gone through divorce might want to consider painting a room pink (â€Å"Feng Shui Colors†). Pink is a color that was not invented with a clear range (Leslie Brown 133). White and Cream are colors that refresh the mind. Cream is a warm, friendly and rich color (Leslie Brown 58).White is associated with cleanliness and purity and can be useful when one’s senses are overloaded and they need to clear down the emotions (â€Å"Feng Shui Colors†). White’s textures and tones evoke a sense of calmness that people like in homes that are in cities or countries (Leslie B rown 50). One does have to be careful with white because it can be difficult to live with long term (â€Å"Feng Shui Colors†). Black is the total opposite of white and cream. Black can be preserved as being a bold, sexy and an independent color.It can create a sense of magic because it has such great depth to it (â€Å"Feng Shui Colors†). Black can however be a depressing color and referred back to death. The best way to use black is to use on one wall and accent it with bright colors like violet or neutrals. Black combined with gray can make for a great room. It should be avoided in children’s bedrooms, dining rooms and kitchens (Leslie Brown 70). Brown/beige is a color that is as strong and powerful as black but a little more friendly. It is one of the more natural colors similar to green because it is a color common in nature.Brown/beige is a color that is typically known as more of a masculine color, because it has less pink than a cream color. Brown/beige i s a color that puts people at ease and relaxes them. It is often a color used but builders because it is pleasing to the buyers and will usually work well with any color. â€Å"Arts and Crafts houses generally have an affinity with beige and brown schemes because the style made full use of the colors of wood,† (Leslie Brown 64-66). Colors and the placement of furniture together can really affect someone’s mood.Simon Brown writes that Feng Shui is the placement of furniture and the way in which people interact with there environment (Simon Brown). David Kennedy states that it is an ancient Chinese art of improving every aspect of people’s life by creating energy flow and harmony in their environment (Kennedy 1). Feng Shui is a term composed of two Chinese words. Feng is a word that means wind and Shui meaning water (Kennedy 13). Rizwana Mundewadi states that â€Å"Feng Shui works on the principle of balancing the five elements: fire, earth, metal, water and wood ,† (Mundewadi).Balancing those five elements can help lead to prosperity, peace, and harmony in all aspects of life (Mundewadi). The Chinese have known for a very long time that people’s physical surroundings affect every aspect of their inner and outer lives. By rearranging their living and working environments according to ancient Feng Shui principles, many successful individuals now create harmony and happiness in their relationships, increase their prosperity, and reduce patterns of difficulty, stress and failure in their everyday lives.The Chinese have long recognized the distinct relationship between Feng Shui and having a success in life. Most individuals do not realize that their surroundings affect their health, wealth, family life, relationships and even ones destiny (Kennedy 1). â€Å"Feng Shui works on the basis that you have an emotional energy field running through and around your body,† (Simon Brown 8). Whether one is aware of it or not, Feng Shui affects them every moment of every day (Kennedy 11).Everyone’s environment or energy surrounding them can help create an experience that can lead to greater success in life (Simon Brown 8). Although most people do understand that too much clutter can create a feeling of frustration or anxiety, most do not understand that the improper arrangement of the accessories and furniture can also create a stressful and anxiousness feeling. A small table crowded with accessories like photos can irritate someone who is trying to find a place to set their drink down.The location of one’s bed can affect a marriage and the position of a desk can affect one’s attention and work performance, which can perhaps make the difference in someone getting a job promotion or demotion. â€Å"A room that has a couch with its back to a large window or opening can leave a person feeling subconsciously vulnerable as if someone could sneak up on them,† (Sanders). Following all the Feng Shui principles can help living and working environment that can help someone achieve the success and happiness that they deserve (Kennedy 1).There so many things Interior Designers must know in order to create a mood friendly environment for themselves or their clients. All the colors and the Feng Shui technique affect moods in so many different ways. The more they are studied the more that will be discovered about all the affects they have on people’s moods. Knowing how all the different colors affect people’s moods can create a warm and friendly or cool and relaxing environment depending on which colors are chosen. It is a strategy that many people are unaware of that’s important and can be very rewarding.