
Monday, September 30, 2019

English Exam

I personally think â€Å"Culture Smarts Norway a Quick Gulled to Customs & Etiquette† has managed to capture the Norwegian lifestyle well. The tips are angled in a way for the reader to better understand Norwegian way of thinking and acting. Basic information about the Norwegian people and what values we got, that may be very different from other cultures. Being aware of other cultures values is an important and clever thing to do when traveling abroad. It strengthens your chances of good communication and prevents you from being misunderstood as easily.The only negative thing to say about the text is that It has put a lot of weight on Just explaining why we are so reserved, to help prevent foreigners from misunderstanding us. Of course this is important information, but there could be given more advice on how to otter the communication with us, rather than it mostly being excuses for our rather strange behavior. But don't get me wrong, if I was to write a guide like this, I w ould most definitely mention the same things, but with some enhancements In the communication part.Appease 3. C) Do we really want to know? Weeklies; the weapon that â€Å"leaks out† confidential Information Into the public domain, Information the government Intended to keep secret, and backing the Information with trustworthy sources, as well as making sure the Individual providing the highly classified material remains anonymous. Weeklies has been a hot topic in the media the last couple of years. It's not the information being given that is the main focus, but the fact that the Information is being given.Whether it Is good for the public to know, or if much of the information should be held kept, as intended. I personally appreciate such information. We all know terrible things happens in war, out rapports Ana Tall Dotage snowing emulates Ana Inhuman actions In war, causing death of civilians is something I feel is right for the public to see. To help prevent the governmen t from believing they are untouchable. To help prevent military actions aging lives' of the innocent, without consequences.For each individual, and their rights to know what is going on in the world, this information is best to be official for the public. But is this what's best in the bigger picture? Is much of this information held secret, not only to hide information that is not accepted by the public, but to benefit world peace? Will the leaked information cause bigger consequences for cooperation between countries? Is the reduced trust in our government benefiting us, or is it better not to know? Maybe some of the information from Weeklies is better of being unknown to the public, in order to maintain world order.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bat Mitzvah Thank You Speach Essay

I’m am very happy to stand up here in my synagogue as I become Bat Mitzvah knowing that my family has been a part of tbs for many many years. There have been many celebrations on this Bima including my parents wedding and my Dad’s Bar Mitzvah. And, now it’s my turn! Through all the help of my Hebrew School teachers I have not only learned the skills to prepare me for my Bat Mitzvah day but have learned the important mitzvot or commandments of being Jewish. One of those mitzvot is Tikun Olam or making the world a better place. In the next couple of months I will be working on my Mitzvah project. I will be collecting boxes of colored pencils to donate to the unique organization, The Color Pencil Project. This organization is a non-profit organization created to increase the access of art supplies to children in developing countries. I hope you will help me support this wonderful cause. I could not get to this point in my life without the help of many people. So, first off I would like to thank all my family and friends who helped and participated in the service, especially those who have come a great distance to celebrate with me. Thank you to all my Hebrew school teachers especially Morah Sarah who had to deal with me for three years, lead the service Friday night and made my beautiful Tallis. Thank you to Rabbi Scolnic for his support, understanding and guidance. And a big shout out to Marcie (aka Marcielino), for not only being my Halftorah tutor but for being my friend and always having faith in me. btw, stickle it, just a little bit) Thank you Aunt Leslie and Uncle Paul for searching high and low in Jerusalem to find me the perfect Jewish start necklace that I am wearing today! Thank you to Aunt Sharon for having patience and taking me dress shopping and allowing me to borrow these stunning shoes. Thank you to Marissa for being the best cousin and encouraging me to try on my party dress. Thank you to my Grandma for knitting me my Ya lmukah that I will cherish forever. And to my sister, Jess, you have been really patient†¦ not always by chose but, still sat there while I sang my halftorah or doing my work. shes a pretty* good sister for a 17 year old and I love her very berry much(this is where you awww). oh and the most special thank you of them all, to my parents. cant forget that. if my parents weren’t here encouraging me i would honestly only know about 3 verses of the halftorah. I wouldn’t be standing here today without their support and love.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Nutritional Deficiency’s with Vegetarian Diets Essay

To understand vegetarian food and the problems that might come nutritionally from them, you first you must understand the diets. Pescatarian Diet Abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the exception of fish. In addition to fish and/or shellfish, a pescetarian diet typically includes all vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains beans, and also permits eggs and dairy They believe that eating fish and fish oils is essential for optimal health because of the Omega 3 fatty acids Vegan Diet This diet excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and any other foods that are processed using animal fat such as refined white sugar and some wines. A healthy and varied vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens, whole grain products, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Macrobiotic Revered by some for its healthy and healing qualities, includes unprocessed vegan foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and allows the occasional consumption of fish. Sugar and refined oils are avoided. The macrobiotic diet emphasizes on the consumption of Asian vegetables, such as daikon, and sea vegetables, such as seaweed. Lacto-ovo-vegetarian Refers to individuals who consume dairy produce and eggs but who exclude all meat, fish and poultry. Ovo-vegetarian Refers to individuals who eat plant food and eggs but exclude dairy products Lacto-vegetarian This diet excludes animal meats and eggs but does includes dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, and kefir, but excludes eggs. Lacto-vegetarians also abstain from cheeses that include animal rennet and yogurts that contain gelatin. Common signs of nutrient deficiencies that Vegetarians encounter are fatigue, dry skin, dry hair, brittle nails, anemia, hypoglycemia, frequent infections, osteoporosis and poor immune function. Protein deficiency You need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is also important for growth and development during childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy. Good sources of protein are Legumes and beans, Soy and tofu products, Nuts and seeds, Whole grains, Algae and seaweed and Most plant foods contain protein Common signs of protein deficiencies are Edema, weight loss, thinning or brittle hair, hair loss, and ridges or deep lines in finger and toe nails. The skin becomes very light and can burn easily in the sun, skin rashes, dryness, flakiness, general weakness and lethargy, muscle soreness and weakness, cramps, slowness in healing wounds, cuts, scrapes, and bruises, bedsores and skin ulcers, difficulty sleeping, headache, nausea and stomach pain and fainting Vitamin B12 deficiency This vitamin is produced by bacteria in soil and in animals. Since it is found in animal foods, it is not generally considered a concern for those vegetarians who have eggs and dairy products in their diets. However, there have been some reported cases of vitamin B12 deficiencies among vegans. To be on the safe side, people on such diets should add vitamin B12-fortified cereals or soy milk, or a vegetarian vitamin B12 supplement to their diets, or have a tablespoon of nutritional yeast about once a month. Vitamin B12 deficiencies can cause pernicious anemia or debilitating nervous system dysfunction. The most common vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms include tiredness, being irritable, finding it hard to concentrate, difficulty remembering things, and in extreme cases, psychosis or depression. Many believe that B12 helps normalize the body’s internal sleep timers, so if you find yourself sleeping often and waking up tired, a vitamin B12 deficiency may be the cause. Iron deficiency Our diet is highly dependent on red meat for iron. Absorption of iron is dependent on stomach acid. The vegetarian form of iron requires vitamin C so the body can use it. Most fresh fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin C. Sources of iron vegetarians can use are tofu, black strap molasses, lentils, lima beans, potato, wheat germ, pinto beans, kidney beans, dandelion greens, kale, pumpkin seeds, black beans, spinach, broccoli, almonds, pumpkin, beet greens, figs, raisins, prunes, green beans, whole wheat, parsley, corn, peanuts, cashew butter, almond butter, blueberries, bananas and raspberries. Do not consume tea or coffee with meals as these can interfere with iron absorption Enhance iron absorption by including vitamin C in the same meal like taking a small glass of orange juice with your meal. Cooking in cast iron cookware every so often rather than stainless steel because iron cookware can leach absorbable iron into simmering food. Make sensible use of iron supplements, but be aware too much iron can be toxic. Iron deficiency can cause anemia, delay normal infant motor function or mental function, during pregnancy can increase risk for small or preterm babies, can cause fatigue and may also affect memory or other mental function in teens Mild iron deficiency anemia may not cause noticeable symptoms. Anemia symptoms may include weakness, fatigue, or lack of stamina., shortness of breath and muscle pain during exercise, Headache, Trouble concentrating, Irritability, Dizziness, Pale skin, Craving substances that are not food (pica), and a craving for ice can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia. Zinc deficiency Is really important for the immune system, as well as for skin, and neurological health. If you tend to get frequent infections you should definitely add more zinc rich foods in to your diet to optimize your immune system. Foods that can be supplemented are wheat germ toasted, swiss chard, baked potato, oats, mustard greens, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, rice, kidney beans, ginger root, wild rice, peas, leeks, lentils, cashews, sunflower seeds, and lima beans. Zinc deficiencies can cause growth retardation, loss of appetite, impaired immune function, hair loss, diarrhea, delayed sexual maturation, impotence, hypogonadism in males, and eye and skin lesions, weight loss, delayed healing of wounds, taste abnormalities, and mental lethargy. Calcium deficiency Because they do not eat or drink animal products a calcium deficiency could occur. Calcium is required for building strong bones and teeth, clotting blood, vascular contraction and vasodilation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling and hormonal secretion. Good sources of calcium are cooked turnip greens, torula yeast, collard greens, cooked rhubarb, spinach, oatmeal, tofu, broccoli, dandelion greens, swiss chard, blackstrap molasses, soy flour, mustard greens, almonds, baked beans, filberts, oranges, cooked kale, fresh spinach, tahini, and garbanzo beans. Calcium deficiencies can lead to Osteoporosis. Some symptoms of calcium deficiencies in baby’s are bones and teeth not developing correctly. Teenage girls may enter puberty late and may have irregular menstrual cycles with excessive bleeding and cramps. In adults, early tooth decay and frequent bone fractures. Eat at least three servings of dairy foods a day for ex: milk in cereal, yoghurt, cheese in a sandwich, if you are growing, pregnant or breast feeding you should increase to 4-5 portions per day. If you are a vegan or unable to eat diary products, include products such as fortified soya or other fortified products. Omega-3 Fatty Acids deficiency Vegetarian diets can be deficient in these fats that are necessary for a healthy nervous system as well as fighting inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be important for cognitive and behavioral function The best vegetarian source is freshly ground flax seeds and raw walnuts. Fish, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut, other seafood including algae and krill, some plants, and nut oils. Some signs of Omega 3 fatty acids deficiencies are learning disabilities, depression, arthritis, eczema, obesity and heart disease Your doctor may order blood work to find out if you have a deficiency in any of the above nutrients. Vegetarians should be sure to watch for theses signs and symptoms and increase intake of alternative sources of these nutrients to maintain optimal health. Resources Text book of Basic Nursing http://osteoporosis.emedtv.com/calcium-deficiency/calcium-deficiency.html http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Zinc-HealthProfessional/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_B12_deficiency http://www.cdc.gov/nutrition http://vegetarian.about.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pescetarianism http://www.vrg.org/nutshell/vegan.htm http://vegetarian.about.com/od/glossary/g/Vegan.htm http://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/nutrition/healthy-eating/5-common-vegetarian-nutrition-deficiencies.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarian_nutrition

Friday, September 27, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Leadership - Essay Example Trust from others – a leader has to develop the trust from his/her constituency. In a soccer game if the couch has given specific instructions of how a game strategy should be followed, all team members must trust that this strategy is going to be followed out in the field; Think creatively and objectively – a leader needs to create situations that will enhance the outcome results and be objective in the process. This creative thinking and objectivity may be discussed with the coach and the team members during practice for field performance; Partnership – a leader needs to make adjustments in his/her role and use the avant-garde posture: horizontal and vertical communication and make everyone feel that they are the owners of their fate and as such they are responsible for their actions. If a soccer player is not in place to receive the ball, an alternative player may be the receiver of the ball until the player is in place to perform the strategy that was delineated; Justice to think fairly – a leader should be able to balance criteria so that a fair view of different situations is present. A player may not feel well, therefore, his/her performance may not be up to par during a given

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Print Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Print Advertising - Essay Example Several propaganda devices are used in the ad including glittering generality and band wagon appeals.   Glittering generality sets the light bulb up as a preferred method of reducing energy use and conserving the environment without sacrificing personal comfort.   However, very little information about this light bulb or the technology behind it is actually shared.   Instead, consumers are directed to visit a website that presumably gives them this information.   Band wagon appeals are made when the suggestion is inferred that everyone is making the switch, such as Ashley, who is pictured in the ad as being just an ordinary woman with a satisfying solution to a difficult problem.     I am actually relatively neutral about the ad.   Initially, I found it very attractive because of its use of color.   The light blues and greens pulled at me and made me feel comfortable and at home.   The friendly look on the woman’s face and her desire to share her new discover y with me appealed to my emotions and made me want to like the ad itself.   However, as I looked over it in greater detail, I learned that it was offering an energy efficient halogen bulb, which, in my personal experience, generates a high level of ambient heat and is therefore not a good option.   I also felt resentful that the ad provided me with no real information about the product and manipulated when I found myself going to the website.   Thus, cognitively, I did not like the ad and would probably not buy the product.  

Election speach to student reptresentative Speech or Presentation

Election speach to student reptresentative - Speech or Presentation Example As this new approach to renovate the activities and achievements of the previous Council can be best demonstrated by first-year students, I'd request you to offer me the opportunity to represent Level 1 law students of our institution. As a candidate for this year's student representative election, I'd like to highlight my experience of working as the vice chairman of the Student representative council of my high school where I was also the football team captain for 5 years. I also take this opportunity to express my positive strategy to represent the common feeling of my friends to the management in a genuine manner. I'll try my best to communicate the student voice to the university management and work to achieve the student needs as a true representative of their feeling. I also promise never to be biased with a group of students against the others nor to be blind or deaf to the burning issues of my friends.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Role For Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Role For Theory - Research Paper Example Public policy theory, the study or discussion of public policies (in this case relating to Global Warming) play an important role in the daily lives of a policy practitioner. It would one’s first priority as a policy practitioner to keep up to date with what goes on in their world, their country, and the country’s government. To stay in touch with any new changes that the government or official might decide to make or imply is what keeps a policy practitioner going, which has a high tendency of happening as Global Warming policy practitioner. There is much practical value to understanding the theories of public policy for policy practitioner or analyst because keeping their discussions as close to facts as possible is what is going to help them be better at what they do. If they start forming rhetorical theories about an issue they approach, it will be very hard for them to convince others to see their point of view. Environmental Sociology developed in the 1970s when increasing awareness on a social level about global warming or climate change started taking place. By 2007 sociologists who belong to the studies of environmental problems had dedicated themselves to the investigation and application of conceptual approaches to global warming and are still ongoing. The U.S Global Change Research Program, developed in 1989, works with the coordination and integration of federal researches done on the changes in the global environment and their implications on society. The Executive Office of the President of U.S officially oversaw the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, from 2002 to 2008 which was facilitated by the National Coordination Office. I believe that keeping public policies as close to the reality of the situation is the best a practitioner can do.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

E-business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

E-business - Essay Example For purchasing groceries in an online mode, one of the most crucial aspects are that the buyers of groceries should be computer savvy. According to a research conducted by Chu et. al. (2010), the shopping behaviour of the households, especially those purchasing groceries side by side from online and offline sources is dependent upon their brand loyalty, price sensitivity and size loyalty. These offline-online differences are more prominent in the purchase behaviours towards food products which include the grocery category. According to the research, there is more brand loyalty, size loyalty but less price sensitivity in online shopping behaviour of consumers than in the offline shopping behaviour. The online environment for grocery shopping mostly consists of elements like purchasing carts, grocery categories mentioned with prices, the online navigation facilities to know the products’ features, online communication with the seller on specifications of the grocery. The product details and the prices of the product are the main information that is reviewed by the customer. The categories of groceries are present which could be viewed and grocery from these categories could be added to the purchase cart and ordered online after online payment. The online shopping environment also includes in-store displays which mainly attract the customers to buy the particular groceries. Also online displays help the customers search for grocery they need to buy easily. The search option present on the website is a convenient option that allows users to review their preferred products just with one or two clicks. According to a research conducted by Breugelmans and Campo (2010), online in-store displays (ISD) help increase brand sales and make grocery shopping easier and ISD that anticipates competition through first-order or isolated position outperforms the ISD that aims to make the items stand out in the online

Monday, September 23, 2019

News Article Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

News Article Analysis - Essay Example According to Miller, the higher pricing trend is fairly pinpointing the lack of competition in the market. The limited supply from few and rising demand from many locals and international investors is creating lack of competition here. Some suppliers are enjoying the high profits by selling the condominiums in high prices and are intended to cover losses made due to the recession. This concept is derived form the theory of demand-pull price hike. Since the market was showing intensified demand for the condos, the towers also being transformed into condos. It is also creating hype among the potential buyers as constantly rising prices are creating urgency to conduct a deal. This strategy resulted in sales increase according to the letter to attorney journal from the condos developer on Oct. 24, 2012. The market concept tells that less supply and more demand increases the prices in the market and so alike pre-crises market the sellers charging premium prices from customers. Throughout the articles it is reflected that every real state seller especially in the condos is charging high prices taking advantage of the lack of competition in the market. The scarcity of supply shaped some sort of oligopolistic competition in the Manhattan market. ... The shortage of supply in the market is resulted due to recession because of which the construction was brought at halt.. The recession in the US economy affected all the business sectors throughout the country. Every state of US faced a recession’s impact. The system’s problem originated when the lending capacity of banks became weaker because of the bankruptcies of huge multinationals and more specifically banks. The bankruptcy of huge firms and investment house Lehman Brothers played the role of nail in the coffin and was the actual reason for bringing the recession in the US economy.. The mortgage lenders analyzed the situation and stopped making more investments on real state industry. Also, the investors of real state industry delayed their plans of investment because of the decreasing demand. The real state investors in Manhattan moved with trend and decreased their investments in the real sate sector of the state. Those projects that were under construction at t he time of recession were the only supply for near future. Also, real real-estate constructors bought the drowning investors’ unit at bucks in recession. Hence, when the economy started getting recover after the phase of recession there were only few suppliers of newly constructed condominiums were competing in the market. Also, for the period of next two years they were the only suppliers in the market. The recovery led the people of Manhattan to bring back their investments in purchasing condominiums which increased demand. Real estate companies increased prices because of lack of competition or the unavailability of demanded supply. The prices were charged higher with a margin of good percentage and due

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Economic and Social Development in Post-Independence Jamaica and Barbados Essay Example for Free

Economic and Social Development in Post-Independence Jamaica and Barbados Essay Jamaica and Barbados have socially and economically advanced since their independences. Each country has been able to economically sustain itself without the assistance of Britain, which used to govern the two as territories. But despite the two countries’ self-regulation and reliance, both of the nations are quite poor, and are considered third world countries. Jamaican and Barbadian History Both of the two nations were originally colonized by Great Britain (after being discovered by the Spanish) under the mercantilism policy, which encouraged European colonization of other areas. This was because the policy showed that a nation’s prosperity could be determined by its adequacy in trade, and exports were far more valuable than imports under the policy. So European nations that could not produce particular products on their own would colonize other areas that could, so they could use the goods, and export them to other nations that did not have the means to acquire those particular goods on their own. So many of the Caribbean islands that Britain colonized were exploited because of their warm climates, which allowed them to grow certain crops, such as sugar. This crop was one of the main reasons that Britain had colonized such territories as Jamaica and Barbados. Jamaica’s Independence and its Economic Enterprises Thereafter It was in 1962 that the United Kingdom’s parliament granted Jamaica its independence, after which the nation ceased to be regulated by its European founder. After its independence, the Jamaican government arose, and began sponsoring employment opportunities, though many jobs arose in the private sector. Sugar and bananas were the original crops grown in Jamaica, and exported to locations worldwide, and the cultivation of these crops serves as a major source of employment on the island. The nation’s tropical climate makes it a suitable location for the growing of these crops, which cannot be grown in the United States or Europe, so some of the sugar and bananas in those areas come from Jamaica. Jamaican Exports and Recent Economic Problems Jamaica also has a natural supply of bauxite, which is a source of aluminum ore, and is therefore a valuable product, which employs many people as miners. But recently, the economic status of the island has been declining. Periods of unfavorable weather have led to a sharp decrease in the production of sugar cane and bananas over the last decade, and inflation has been plaguing the island. The recent lack of favorable agricultural activity has been so extreme that the nation has been forced to import products that, if conditions were better, Jamaica could produce itself. But lately, coffee has been another profitable crop that can be grown around the island’s blue mountains area, when sugar and bananas cannot, and it serves as a primary export, and source of national income. Other Industries in Jamaica Jamaica also has an industry concerned with the rearing of domestic animals, and a dairy industry. But that has also been declining, and the nation has actually been importing milk, butter, and cheese from elsewhere. Other smaller cash crops of the island include citrus fruits, such as oranges, and cocoa, but the industries concerned with those crops are considerably smaller than that of the sugar sector. Mining employs a small number of citizens, as does fishing, and foresting, as loggers are able to export lumber to countries that do not have access to the same tropical woods. Also in Jamaica is the manufacturing industry, which usually accounts for just under 20% of the nation’s GDP annually. Tourism has also proved to be a profitable market for the nation, and it serves as a social and economic boost for the nation, but since the turn of the century, tourism has been slower in Jamaica. Barbados’ Independence and Its Trade History Barbados achieved its independence from the United Kingdom in 1966, after which the nation began governing and regulating itself. Since that time, sugar cane has proved to be the greatest contribution to the nation’s employment, and it serves as Barbados’ most significant export. In 1961, five years before the country’s independence from great Britain, Barbados opened the Deep Water Harbour port, located in Bridgetown, which serves as the nation’s main port, and allows large container ships and freighters to export sugar and manufactured products Barbados’ Manufacturing Sector Although sugar was for some time the main source of income for the nation, recently, manufacturing and tourism has been increasing in Barbados. The manufacturing sector began in the 1980s, and continued to be a profitable investment in the country into the 1990s, as certain companies exploited the nation’s cheap labor to save money on manufacturing in the United States and Europe. The United States has proved to be the main trade partner of Barbados, which also relies on certain imports from the United States. â€Å"The United States remained Barbados leading trade partner in 1987 with transactions valued at $189 million ($128 million in U. S. exports and $61 million in U.  S. imports),† an article for Business America, entitled Barbados: economy relies on U. S. for products, investment Business Outlook Abroad reported of the trade status in 1988. â€Å"Moreover, Barbados continued to welcome American investment in virtually all sectors of the economy. In addition to direct investors, in recent years Barbados has attracted a sizable number of American captive insurers, international business companies, and foreign sales corporations largely through a bilateral double taxation agreement. This means that at an earlier time, the economy of the nation was stabilized by foreign investments, and exports that served to preserve trade relations between the United States and Barbados. Trade Alliances and Foreign Investments And with Barbados’ good terms with the United States came the tourism industry. American, Canadian, and European tourists provide the nation with a stable tourism industry that serves as a main source of income on the nation. Foreign interests in the nation that led to the tourism industry was somewhat of an atypical event for a Caribbean country, as most nations in the area have not been able to capitalize on the industry, or attract foreign investors in its markets as Barbados did. Major tourism projects, such as resorts and cruise adventures continue to benefit the nation’s tourism industry, and satisfied tourists keep the industry alive. Federal and Private Programs in Barbados Recently, government-regulated ventures in the nation have been turning into privatized corporations. The government of the nation is not satisfied with the high unemployment rate, so it is trying to encourage small businesses to form, and stabilize themselves, because this should lead to the creation of jobs. But lately, nationally sponsored programs such as offshore banking enterprises, and foreign exchange moderation by Barbados have proved to be effective ways of earning the nation capital. Most manufacturing and sugar cane production, however, is done in the private sector, and is not federally regulated. This allows small businesses and farmers to have steady employment, and the steady production of crops allows the nation to not only export the crops, but use them itself, which decreases Barbados’ reliance on imports from other nations. Both Jamaica and Barbados have been able to maintain themselves to some degree, economically and socially since their independences from Britain. The development of Jamaica, however, was much more typical for a West Indian nation than was the development of Barbados, because Jamaica was not able to draw foreign investors and establish particularly coordinated trade patterns like Barbados was. In this aspect, Barbados was much more successful than were most West Indian nations, as it was able to maintain exports even when economic times were difficult. The Jamaican economy has been experiencing more problems than that of Barbados, and inflation in Jamaica is causing serious problems. Barbados, however, unlike most Caribbean nations, has been able to rebound, and it has a very high rate of tourism, which provides the nation with a steady rate of foreign income.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Types Of Operations Process In Tesco

Types Of Operations Process In Tesco The food and drink retail sector represents the largest industry in the UK, providing employment for over three million people in primary production, manufacturing and retailing. In 2003 retail accounted for 9% of gross domestic product (Datamonitor, 2003). In recent years UK supermarkets have come under increased scrutiny over their treatment of suppliers, particularly of own-label products, yet the development of strategic supply networks has been an integral part of most supermarket strategies for the past decade.The report below provides an insight into the supermarket company, Tesco, with emphasis on its external environment analysis and companys analysis of resources, competence and culture. Two future strategic options are suggested in regards to the resources based strategies. Inbound logistics are placed at the first stage of the value chain as they possess the earliest opportunity to create value. Therefore, the elements of this stage are considered to be upstream activities. The logistical tasks, in this case, include the receipt of goods from suppliers, storage of goods, handling transportation of goods internally and placing the products on the shelves. Tesco tries to maintain the level of consumer choice in store (+), whilst improving the efficiency of its distribution system (+). In applying a quality control procedure concerning damaged goods and products, it provides an excellent opportunity to reduce costs unfairly incurred by the company, therefore preventing these costs being passed on to the consumer (P+). Operations The production element of Tesco activities are service orientated. Hence, operations could be the second upstream opportunities that enable services and products to be provided, tasks such as opening every day in accordance with trading hours, maintaining the shelves, and the stock (+). In order to obtain future competitive advantage Tesco has to consider expanding further in terms of operating hours in those places, where it does not occur or opening new Metro and Express stores (P+). However, this might be restricted by law or planning councils, which is essentially takes away competitive advantage (-). Outbound logistics The third stage of the value chain is the outbound logistics that is concerned with delivering the product to the customer. Tesco currently adds value in its home delivery service (+). However, other tangibles that have to be improved are those of parking facilities, trolley collectors, till staff and systems to gain competitive advantage, if executed more efficiently than competitors, they will add value by saving the customer time (+), whilst increasing the turnaround (+). Adding value could be achieved through the implementation of a trolley deposit system, keeping them tidy and enabling customers to get to and from the premises quicker, as well as making these facilities readily available and quicker to obtain. Support Activities Company Infrastructure Planning and control functions are the ones that account to provide the continued focus on the costs and cash control of the companys operations (+). And departments such as profit protection whose main jobs are to reduce shrink. The company has now increased its staff count who are involved in upgrading its anti-fraud software (infrastructure/technology, interdependence), and installing new security systems which aim to reduce internal theft, an expense the customer will now not have to cover in the price of their purchases ( Human resource management HRM is regarded as up and downstream activity, covering everything from recruitment to management development. The company aims to increase the number of training schemes and further develop its recruitment programmes so to pass on to the customer the benefits of a well recruited, well trained staff, not the costs. Tesco continues to invest in customer service (+), where training is also linked directly to pay, so the staff are motivated to learn, and are encouraged to improve their approach to customers and service provision quality. Technology development It is a downstream activity and is the ability to provide new innovative product ranges/ solutions that anticipate customer needs. It also remains a key competitive advantage, adding value, as Tescos brand name gives the product vitality (+). However, installation and capital investment is a long term process and needs total commitment of the staff. But who will be responsible for the service provision and the floor personnel? (-). UK Operations In the UK, Tesco operates six different store formats, each distinguished by size and the range of products sold. Tesco Superstores Tesco superstores are the companys standard store format. These large supermarkets stock and sell all groceries along with a large range of non-food products. They also offer an in-store pharmacy. Tesco Extra Tesco Extra stores are the retailers large out-of-town hypermarkets (second in size behind superstores) which stock nearly all of Tescos product ranges. Tesco Metro Metro stores are medium-sized stores (sized between Tesco superstores and Tesco Express stores) that offer a range of food lines. Tesco Express Express stores are convenience shops that are mainly located on Esso petrol station forecourts. Most of their stock consists of food, with an emphasis on higher-margin products alongside everyday essentials. Tesco Homeplus Homeplus stores offer all of Tescos ranges, except food, in warehouse-style units based in retail parks. These large units feature an Order and Collect desk where customers can purchase and collect most items without delay. One Stop One Stop stores are the very smallest Tesco stores. These stores work on a different pricing to all the other store formats and are also distinguished by their later opening hours. Global Operations Tesco boasts a global store portfolio of over 1,800 stores. Besides the UK, the company operates stores in France, China, the United States, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Czech Republic, South Korea, Slovakia, Thailand and Turkey . Online Operation Tesco runs the worlds largest grocery home-shopping service, Tesco.com. The site was formally launched in 2000 six years after Tesco first began operating on the internet. Consumer goods, telecommunications and financial services are also provided via the internet. Tesco Direct, the supermarkets catalogue/internet service, was added to the retailers portfolio in 2007. Customers can browse the Tesco Direct catalogue or go online to purchase non-food goods ranging from home electricals, toys and furniture to sports equipment, jewellery and even bathroom suites. Tesco Personal Finance Tesco Personal Finance is the banking arm of the Tesco plc. The business was previously run as a joint venture with the Royal Bank of Scotland, but in July 2008 Tesco paid  £950 million to acquire the banks 50% share in the company. Financial products on offer include loans, credit cards, savings accounts, mortgages, and several types of insurance, including car, home, life, dental and travel cover. Tesco Clubcard Tesco is one of only two UK supermarkets to offer its customers a loyalty card-scheme (the other being Sainsburys). Introduced in 1995, Tescos Clubcard branded loyalty scheme is now the number one loyalty card in the UK, with around 13 million active Clubcard holders. Every  £1 spent in a Tesco store, online at Tesco.com or through Tesco Petrol, earns customers one Clubcard point. Shoppers can also collect points by paying with a Tesco Credit Card, or by using Tesco Mobile, Tesco Broadband, selected Tesco Personal Finance products or through Clubcard partners, Avis and E.ON. Each point is worth 1p in-store when redeemed, or 4p when used with Clubcard deals on holidays, day trips, etc. Points can also be used to rack up Airmiles, or converted into coupons. B: Capacity planning, Inventory management, Supply chain design, Performance measures and total quality management Tesco Capacity Planning Example : The Scenario Tesco operated a major distribution centre with 26 truck loading decks handling 20 vehicles arriving every hour. Deliveries for individual supermarkets needed to be selected, marshalled and loaded within 60 minutes. The existing loading system was totally manual, using pickers and fork-lift trucks. Due to increasing capacity needs, Tesco engaged with a material handling company to design the expanded facility. This company proposed a novel loading system using automatically guided vehicles (AGVs) to deliver prepared cages of goods. This system would have to be integrated with the existing manual facility, accessing the same warehouse and loading decks. The Challenge Tescos Project Director did not have confidence that the simple spreadsheet calculation of the planned additional capacity could accurately represent the likely outcome as it could not show dynamic interactions within a system comprising hundreds of movements per hour between the warehouse and the loading dock. The following questions arose: What would be the key issues involved in operating the two systems side-by-side? If the two systems could be successfully integrated, how could the optimum operating protocol be devised? How many AGVs would be needed (between 15 and 20 were proposed)? Where might AGVs and fork lifts interfere, causing delays and how could this be minimised? How can collisions be avoided (Health and Safety issue)? Where might loading bottlenecks occur, reducing anticipated performance? Would the target 60 minute turnaround be reliably met under different operating conditions? Tesco needed an independent assessment of the impact of the proposed changes and of whether efficiency and loading time targets would be met. The materials handling supplier recommended Paragon Simulation. The Solution Tesco commissioned Paragon to produce a model. Paragon worked with Tescos and the suppliers input, to accurately model the proposed facility. Paragon was asked not only to construct and run the model, but also to report results and to make a recommendation. The resulting model was a plan view animation of the facility with the AGV system in place. AGV movement, acceleration/deceleration, delay time caused by interference between the old (fork lift) and new loading systems and location of problems (to aid further analysis) were all represented. As the model ran, statistics were recorded on key performance parameters. Different methods of running the systems side-by-side could be set up, run (with varying load levels) and results compared quickly and easily using the Paragon Information Manager. The Benefits The outcome of the project was a confirmation from Paragon to Tesco that the proposed solution could work and deliver the required results. In very short project timescales (just 15 days from start to finish), Paragon were able to give Tesco the assurance they needed and key input on how best to integrate systems and operate the new facility. There was also an immediate cost saving because the simulation model showed that two fewer AGVs were needed than indicated by the original spreadsheet calculations a total saving of  £160,000. Tescos mistakes in US Not understanding the American Customer In early 2006, Tesco plc decided to enter the US market with convenience stores (Fresh Easy Neighborhood Markets) to be launched by 2007. Tesco had been studying the American market for two decades and its entry was long time coming. Though the company is not faring that well (currently loss making and is not predicted to break even until the financial year 2012), it hopes to turnaround sooner than later. The following are some of Tescos mistakes in the US market: The American way of shopping Car culture and weekly shopping expeditions Tesco opened stores in California, Nevada and Arizona offering about 4000 fresh products. But US customers do not shop daily, particularly in California where families shopped weekly in cars. Tesco on the other hand wants to cater to shoppers who have less time and want fresh and healthy food. Competition not only from US super chains Tesco was also facing tough competition from Japanese owned supermarket chain FamilyMart which had started two premium convenience stores under the banner Famima in California and had big expansion plans. The Japanese store offered a new community lifestyle experience along with services like banking, stationary department and also Japanese delicacies like sushi, noodles etc. Its imported groceries also cost less than Tesco. No Discount Coupons The American customer wants to try something before making a final decision on buying. Even discounts or taste samples help in finalizing a deal. But Tesco removed discount coupons. No Promotional Fliers There is less loyalty in the US market with the American consumer shifting loyalties based on weekly/daily special promotional offers. Tesco assumed that like British consumers who would not switch loyalties easily, the Americans would follow suit. A focus group found that Tesco was not sending fliers promoting the latest special offers. Good Effort but No Learning When Tesco entered US, it did not go unprepared into the American market. It sent around 50 to 60 British executives to live with California families to discover the products they bought and the food they ate. But with Tescos dropping profits it seemed they did not learn much into the American way of buying. Tesco did not partner with a US retailer when entering the US market and also intended to use its own proprietary distribution system. B :Tesco Inventory Management : Tesco plc (LSE: TSCO), one of worlds leading retailers, has selected Micro Focus to support the growth of its international operations, notably in the United States, by improving its supply chain operations. Tescos current supply chain management system monitors and controls its entire in-store inventory. The company has enlisted the assistance of Micro Focus to modernize and extend this system, so it can be rolled out in Tescos data center in California, when it launches its first U.S. store later this year. Micro Focus has been selected to extend Tescos supply chain application, as well as future proofing it against any changes that it may face as its operations continue to expand globally. Not only will the modernized application be ready for the imminent U.S. launch, but it will also be seamlessly deployed in each of Tescos current data centers across the globe. The move will also yield considerable savings for Tesco, as it will be able to use its existing servers and will be able to avoid investing in additional support for their international operations. Tesco Suppy Chain Design : Performance Measures of Tesco : Tesco can influence society at large owing to its size and scale of operations and it does so by encouraging its employees and customers to become more socially responsible. Tesco is of the view that it has a major role to play in promoting health food among its customers and strives to make health food available at affordable prices. The company has adopted several initiatives over the years to fulfill its responsibility to society. These include charity, fund raising for a cause and promoting education. These efforts are not limited to the UK but extend to other countries in which Tesco operates. Total Quality Management : Makes a significant contribution to the perceived customer benefits of the outcome: delivers a fundamental customer benefit. In order to identify core competences in a particular market, the question of why is the customer willing to pay more or less for one product or service than another- needs to be addressed. For example, Tesco have been very successful in capturing the leadership of the retailing market. This shows that Tesco designs and implements effective supply systems and deliver an efficient customer interface. Tesco was the first UK grocer to launch a loyalty card and has been the most effective. Palmer (2004) claims that until recently, it was the only grocer to use the information to mail customers every month. Strategy frameworks and structuring tools are key to assessing the business situation. Risk and value trade-offs are made explicit, leading to concrete proposals to add value and reduce risk. Explicit plans for action, including effective planning need to be developed by Tesco as the strategic alternative. From the generic strategies discussed above, Tesco is likely to employ two strategic options that are also likely to be primary market objectives of focus on market development though partnerships and diversification through new product development By entering new markets like China and Japan it can serve as a key growth driver of the companys revenues and expansion strategy. Tescos interests in Japan are likely to continue growing in due course, as Asian markets are showing an increase in consumer spending and increased trend towards retailing. These new markets are also demographically high opportunity markets. In the case of Tesco, one of the suggested strategic options is in international alliances with the local retailers in Asian markets. It will be considered as a method of development and may be formed to exploit current resources and competence. By entering into joint ventures or partnerships, in order to gain a larger economy of scale and larger market presence, Tesco will draw on the extensive local knowledge and operating expertise of the partner whilst adding its own supply chain, product development and stores operations skills to deliver a better shopping experience to customers. However, given the huge scale, potential and complexities of these markets, Tesco may feel that being the first mover is not necessarily an advantage. The success of the partnership will be related to three main success criteria: sustainability, acceptability and feasibility. Sustainability will be concerned with whether a strategy addresses the circumstances in which the company is operating. It is ab out the rationale of this expansion-market development strategy. The acceptability relates to the expected return from the strategy, the level of risk and the likely reaction of stakeholders. Feasibility will be regarded to whether Tesco has the resources and competence to deliver the strategy. b Product Development: Diversification Johnson and Scholes (2003) believe that changes in the business environment may create demand for new products and services at the expense of established provision. Ansoffs matrix also suggests that if new products are developed for existing markets, then a product development strategy has to be considered by the management level of a company. In expanding and diversifying Tescos product mix, it is also crucial to implement internal development when new products are developed. The nature and the extent of diversification should also be considered in relation to the rationale of the corporate strategy and the diversity of the portfolio. By following the changing needs of the customers Tesco can introduce new product lines. This may require more attention to RD, leading to additional spending. BARCLAYS BANK : A : A : Types of Operations Process in Barclays : Introduction Barclays is a global bank. It provides a range of financial services in 56 countries. Barclays provides retail banking services to customers, whether they are individuals or businesses. It offers a broad range of financial products and services including current accounts, savings accounts and general insurance. Within the UK, Barclays communications are designed to help customers Take One Small Step to managing their money better every day. Different kinds of customers represent distinct markets for Barclays. The market for personal banking services is very competitive. Personal customers have a choice of banks on the high street or on the web to assist them in managing their finances. For example, they can have their salaries paid into accounts, pay bills through the bank or save money to gain interest on their savings. There is also a competitive market for business banking services. Businesses require different services such as credit management, payments for suppliers or loans and overdrafts to help them to survive and grow. For example, an expanding business may need a mortgage to buy a new building. Barclays Bank history is as old as the history of the Great British banking industry as a whole. Founded back in the cobbled streeted and oil lamp lit London of the seventeenth century, Barclays has grown and progressed to be a member of the global banking fraternity with operations spreading across all of Europe as well as North and South America, the Middle and the Far East. The Bank was reputed to have begun its earliest trades way back in 1690, when the two founding partners John Freame and Thomas Gould first opened their doors in London. Their first premises were in Lombard Street, where they traded successfully for more than thirty years. One of the most significant events in the banks history took place in 1736, when Freame and Gould, obviously feeling that their days as bankers might be drawing to a close, invited Freames son-in-law, John Barclay to become a partner in the bank. The onset of World War One saw Barclays strongly represented as far north as the Midlands of England. In the year that the war ended, Barclays Bank announced its amalgamation with the London, Provincial and South Western Bank, firmly staking it place to be one of the UKs leading banking groups. By the middle of the nineteen twenties in England, Barclays had close to two thousand branches in operation in England, and had begun some tentative operations overseas, particularly in the British Colonies. Gradual expansion and consolidation was the order of the day for Barclays for the period before, during and after World War Two. Barclays woke up from the period of austerity that followed the War, with the opening of the first banking computer centre situated in London. During the height of the swinging sixties, Barclays showed that they were no slouches by introducing the famous Barclaycard, the first credit card to grace our shores. The following year, Barclays again shook the banking world by unveiling the countrys first automatic teller machine, providing cash from a wall. Today Barclays presents a mixture of a bank of a bank with a great history and rich tradition who has always reached out to the future. A mixture that finds her well prepared to weather the storm of the current financial crisis. Barclays is made up of two Clusters: Global Retail Banking, and Corporate Investment Banking and Wealth Management, each of which has a number of Business Units. The third major area of the business is Group Centre. From Human Resources to Corporate Affairs, this area comprises all the essential Head Office support functions that help Barclays maintain strategic momentum. Retail Banking Barclays UK Retail Banking is one of Britains leading retail banks serving around 15 million UK customers through contact centres, online banking and 1,720 branches. UK Retail Banking builds broad and deep relationships with customers and small business owners by providing a wide range of products and financial services. Through UK Retail Banking, customers have access to current account and savings products, Woolwich-branded mortgages, unsecured loan and protection products and general insurance. Barclays Financial Planning provides investment advice and products; Local Business provides banking services, including money transmission, to small businesses; and Premier provides tailored, relationship-based banking services to affluent customers through dedicated account managers. Barclaycard Barclaycard is a multi-brand credit card and consumer lending business which also processes card payments for retailers and merchants, and issues credit and charge cards to corporate customers and the UK government. It is one of Europes leading credit card businesses and has an increasing presence in the United States. In the UK, Barclaycard comprises Barclaycard UK Cards, Barclaycard Partnerships (Sky Card, Thomas Cook, Argos and Solution Personal Finance), Barclays Partner Finance and Firstplus. Barclaycard also added the Goldfish business to its portfolio in 2008. Outside the UK, Barclaycard provides credit cards in the United States, Germany, South Africa (through management of the Absa credit card portfolio) and in the Nordic region, where Barclaycard operates through Entercard, a joint venture with Swedbank. Barclaycard works closely with other parts of the Barclays Group, including UK Retail Banking, Barclays Corporate, Western Europe Retail Banking and Barclays Africa, to mak e use of their distribution capabilities. Western Europe Retail Banking Includes retail banking and Barclaycard operations in Spain, Italy, France and Portugal. Approximately 10,000 colleagues are employed in this part of the organisation, serving two million customers. Across the region, Barclays has more than 1,100 distribution outlets. Barclays Africa Barclays Africa encompasses Barclays Global Retail Banking, Corporate Banking, and Barclaycard operations in 10 countries organised in four geographic areas: North Africa (Egypt), East and West Africa (Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya), Southern Africa (Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe), and the Indian Ocean (Mauritius and Seychelles). Barclays Africa serves its 2.8 million customers through a network of 573 branches and service centres providing a variety of traditional financial products, including retail mortgages, current and deposit accounts, commercial lending, unsecured lending, credit cards, treasury and investments. In addition, it provides specialist services such as Sharia-compliant products and mobile banking. Management of Barclays : Barclays Capital Fund Solutions (BCFS) is the investment management business of Barclays Capital, the investment banking division of Barclays Bank PLC. The emergence of new asset classes, growth in demand for derivative solutions and an investor shift towards absolute returns have identified a strong necessity for an alternative fund management approach that: Offers clients greater customisation of investment management products Uses state-of-the art financial thinking but is adaptive to changes in the investment environment Delivers multi-asset class performance, with the flexibility to access new asset classes as they emerge Considers the complexities of multi-jurisdictional investors and asset bases to deliver pragmatic financial solutions The BCFS business model and approach focus on this evolving market segment. BCFS combines its multi-jurisdictional fund expertise with world-class structuring, derivatives trading and asset allocation expertise to deliver applied investment innovation in fund management across all asset classes. The BCFS team is advised by Barclays Capitals award-winning research team. Key Attributes Since launch of the first fund in January 2006, BCFS has: Attracted leading investors, establishing a significant fund business and market leadership in applied investment innovation Established a diverse client base from insurance companies, asset managers and corporate treasuries to family offices and private banking investors Provided exposure to multiple asset classes including equities, commodities, interest rates, foreign exchange, fixed income, emerging markets, hedge funds and property Grown assets under management to more than USD 6bn* in structured and quantitative strategies and manages more than 70 funds Built a global footprint with funds distributed throughout South America, Europe and Asia Pacific Increased its strong front- to back-office team to 70 Supply Chain for Barclays : Performance Measures of Barclays :

Friday, September 20, 2019

Dale Earnhardt Essay -- Biography Biographies Bio

Dale Earnhardt grew up in automotive racing. Ever since he was a kid that is what his family did, and now his family carries on that legacy. Dale Earnhardt grew up in Kannapolis, North Carolina, a textile mill town. His father, Ralph Earnhardt, was known as "Iron heart" on the short-track racing circuit, and he taught Dale how to drive stock cars and work with engines. His father had converted a barn behind the family home into a garage, and he was well known for his skill with engines. Earnhardt's earliest memory is of watching his father race. Dale dropped out of high school after the eighth grade because he tried ninth grade twice and just couldn't do it. After he dropped out, Dale worked odd jobs, drove dirt tracks, and also argued with his father, which wanted him to complete high school. Dale became most famous with his black Monte Carlo with a dominate # 3 in white on it, but his first dirt track car was a 1956 hot-pink ford Sedan, which his neighbors gave to him, David and Ray Oliver. His father Ralph had built the engine, and some other friends, Frank and Wayne Dayvault and their cousin Gregg, tuned it. They int ended to paint the car avocado green, but a paint mishap resulted in the car being pink. They could not afford to repaint it, and Dale raced the pink car on dirt tracks around Charlotte, North Carolina. Dale married for the first time at 17, and at age 18 had a son, Kerry. Dale divorced his first wife at 19 and married a second time to Brenda. This marriage would last five years before he divorced again. Dale had two children with his second wife, a daughter, Kelley, and a son, Dale Jr., who would both followed him into racing. While Dale was at the age of twenty two his father died from a heart attack. Earn... ...nto the steering column of the car. Dale's legions of fans mourned his loss deeply, creating shrines and memorials all over the country, particularly in his hometown of Mooresville. Bechtel quoted long-time friend H.A. Wheeler, who said, "Here's a kid who came from the bottom, worked hard for everything he got and didn't have any airs about him . . .. Truck drivers, dockworkers, welders and shrimp-boat captains loved that. He was everything they dreamed about being." I believe that Dale Earnhardt was the greatest stock car driver there was and ever will be. He was down to earth and didn't let money or fame stop him from connecting with his fans. Dale has done many great things with his life, and also great things with the community and the people that followed him thought his racing career. Dale was a role model to many and other drivers looked up, and respected him.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Muscles In The Human Body :: essays research papers

The musculoskeletal system is made up of bones, joints, and muscles. This system gives the body form and support, and protects the body while allowing it to move. Basically, the muscles in this system perform three important body functions: the movement of body parts, maintenance of body parts, and production of body heat. These muscles all consist of a mass of protein fibers grouped together, and most are of mesodermal origin. And almost all of the muscle fibers you will ever have or need were present at birth. Nearly half of your body mass is muscles, the largest and strongest being in the shoulders, upper arms, hips, and thighs. There are over five hundred muscles in the human body.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Muscle fibers are basically classified according to their size and speed of contraction. There are three main types of muscles. The first is skeletal. Skeletal muscle makes up the largest mass of muscle in the body, and is the type of muscle that is attached to bones and moves the skeleton in a conscious control, so therefore it is a voluntary muscle. Its contractions are short and strong, providing the force needed for movement. The muscle contractions produce and provide some heat needed in the body. Skeletal muscle tissue is made up of smaller fibers called myofibrils. These myofibrils are composed of even smaller protein filaments. These filaments can be either thick or thin. The thick filaments are made of the protein myosin, and the thin filaments are made of the protein actin. The arrangement of the myosin and actin gives skeletal muscle its striated (or striped) appearance. Each section of a myofibril is called a sarcomere, and is the functional unit of muscle. How muscles contract is directly related to their structure. The sliding filament theory is an explanation of how muscle contractions occur. This theory states that the actin filaments within the sarcomere slide toward one another during contraction. But, the myosin filaments don’t move. The second type of muscle is smooth, which is found in internal organs and blood vessels. It consists of collections of fusiform cells that don’t show its striations under even a light microscope. The most common function of this muscle is to squeeze, which puts forth pressure on the space inside the tube or organ it surrounds. Contractions of smooth muscle are weak and slow compared with the contractions of the other two kinds.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

sathf Satire in Adventures of Huck Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Satire in Adventures of Huck Finn The dominant tone of this work is satire. Twain pokes fun at many of the aspects of Southern life in the 19th century (including slavery and feuds), and several characters as well. His fiery attitude about the ills of society shows itself from the first page of this book. I think that one of the main themes in this novel is the conflict between the society's "good" and "bad". Huck believed that a person was "good" if they were educated, well read, religiously trained, and had the ability to follow rules. This, of course, is not the true nature of "goodness", and a key element in Twain's satire. In fact, Huck, who is one of the only good characters in the novel, believes good is based on the elements of dangers which face him every day, and due to this dicotomy, does not believe he is "good". This becomes painfully evident when Huck meets the Gregfords. The Gregfords are an obvious simile for pure evil. Though they have a temporal glow to them, after all, they are rich and aristocratic. However their misdeeds flow contrary to society's label of "good" . He labels them as "good", though after he hears their story behind their feud, he realizes that they are not quite as good as he had believed. This shows the tumultuous journey between the "good" and "evil" occuring in Huck's mind. The most clear occasion of this is when Huck dresses as a girl to steal things from the neighborhood store. On a metaphorical level, this shows Twain's alternate sexual preference (Freud pointed this out in "The Human Mind, Second Edition") -- he is living vicariously through his creations. Twain uses the visage of Huck as a girl to ameliorate it against the society's "evil" perspective, in an attempt to popularize these acts. The bifurcation between his personal "good" and society's "good" is a key point in the book, and a universal theme which is best observed in this scene. Another important scene which goes along with this same theme was the scene with Huck Finn and his gang in the cave in the end of the second

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Apple Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to produce the response from its target market. Price, product, place and promotion are the 4 P's that make up a marketing mix. Apple 1. Product – Apple’s key products are the iPhone, iPad, and the Mac line of personal computers. Steve Jobs has always maintained that first and foremost Apple is an industrial manufacturing firm with a mission to create innovative and compelling products that are unmatched in their visual appeal and intuitive nature.For apple, this is the most important P as they have the most of a product can offer and then the three other P’s simply fall after in their place. 2. Price – Apple has always been more worried about their product than their price, but they do have the advantage with its competitors with their previous successes with the iPad and iPhone.They have the leverage in materials, such as touch screens and flash memory, to help them keep the price staying low er than its competitors and it is obvious that Apple won’t be threatened any time soon. 3. Promotion – Apple’s commercials are instantly recognizable as they stick to the simplicity of their design which the layout of their product is featured on a white background, with catchy music playing in the background. Everything is visual, and visually plentiful, but not overpowering as some ads can be.Even their walk-in stores have the same simple design featuring nothing but their products and their own features. 4. Place – Apple has expanded its company to nearly all regions both big and small. Their iPods, iPads, and iPhones are just about any store that sells electronics these days. From hundreds of retail outlets to a great e-commerce website to even an app on their own, Apple’s products are just about as easy to buy as a pair of jeans.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Postmodern Hindu Law

The Hindu law has been a guiding principle for our society, especially in certain matters like the conjugal affairs or the responsibilities of kinship. The Kutia Kandha customs are also based on the lines of Hindu law but they seem to be more systematic. Maintenance As per the Hindu law, regardless of ownership of property, a person is morally obliged to take over the responsibility of his wife, old parents and minors. This norm is followed by the Kutia Kandha people with some further inclusions. Accordingly, the inheritance of a property should not become the basis of a son's commitments towards his parents or his wife. It's the duty of sons to look after their parents even if they don't inherit the property in return. But the nuance is that the responsibility of staying with the old parents comes down to the youngest one. He has to take care of everything, even the funerary rights of his parents. Same rule applies on an adopted son; no property will be inherited if he fails to fulfill his responsibilities.Similarly, maintenance of minors and unmarried or handicapped children is a responsibility that parents cannot avoid. In circumstances like death of parents, the duty is accorded to near male kin, if he is inheriting the property. In another situation, if the husband dies, the widow has to maintain the minors until the eldest one turns a major. And in case, she marries some outsider, the responsibility of the minors and the property, everything goes under the control of the family of deceased husband, basically a male kin of his.GuardianshipWhether a minor is legitimate or illegitimate, there should be a guardian to take over his responsibilities. The Kutias have elucidated certain points that are needed for the consideration of guardianship. Father is the natural guardian of a child, and in case of his death, the mother becomes one. A major child may become a guardian of his minor siblings in case both the parents are dead. In absence of such a major child, the responsibility goes to either of the grandparents. Grandparents to next full brother and then to half brother, this process continues until and unless there is some male kin of their father available for such guardianship. Else the process is repeated in maternal clan.Illegitimate child goes with the legitimate husband of the deceased woman, and in case he denies, the family of woman is supposed to take care of the child.Adopted father of an adopted son is his guardian and not the real father, in such a case.Lastly, in case of a divorce, the children stay with father. If they are small enough not to live without mother, they remain with the mother and go to the father once they grow up.AdoptionThere are many reasons, for which a person may want to adopt a child; some childless couple may want an old age support or some may not be willing to have their own kids and just go for adoption. Whatever the reason maybe, anyone can adopt a child.The Kutia Kandhas have delineated the conditions of adoptions. One can adopt a child of any gender but he should start choosing from his paternal kinsmen, if not available then from an outsider, whether from same clan or not. The adopted son is entrusted with all the responsibilities of a real son (ibid) thereafter and becomes the inheritor of his adopted parents' property, too. Even the responsibility of minors, widow, old grandparents etc is invested on him. Failing to which, his property may be forfeited. If a situation arises wherein the adopted son and father separate, the question of inheritance of property depends upon the case of separation. If the adopted son is guilty, he may not get anything; otherwise he can claim the rights.Not every rule is just for adopted son, even the adopter have some duties towards him, like looking after his welfare, marriage and every other aspect that he may do or have done for his real son.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Columbine High School massacre, Essay

A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. Video games typically use additional means of providing interactivity and information to the player. Audio is almost universal, using sound reproduction devices, such as speakers and headphones. Other feedback may come via haptic peripherals, such as vibration or force feedback, with vibration sometimes used to simulate force feedback. In the early days of cartridge consoles; they were sometimes called TV games. It has been shown that action video game players have better hand-eye coordination and visuo-motor skills, such as their resistance to distraction, their sensitivity to information in the peripheral vision and their ability to count briefly presented objects, than nonplayers. Researchers found that such enhanced abilities could be acquired by training with action games, involving challenges that switch attention between different locations, but not with games requiring concentration on single objects. It has been suggested by a few studies that online/offline video gaming can be used as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of different mental health concerns. In Steven Johnson’s book, Everything Bad Is Good for You, he argues that video games in fact demand far more from a player than traditional games like Monopoly. To experience the game, the player must first determine the objectives, as well as how to complete them. They must then learn the game controls and how the human-machine interface works, including menus and HUDs. Beyond such skills, which after some time become quite fundamental and are taken for granted by many gamers, video games are based upon the player navigating a highly complex system with many variables. Learning principles found in video games have been identified as possible techniques with which to reform the U. S. education system. It has been noticed that gamers adopt an attitude while playing that is of such high concentration, they do not realize they are learning, and that if the same attitude could be adopted at school, education would enjoy significant benefits. Students are found to be â€Å"learning by doing† while playing video games while fostering creative thinking. Video game development and authorship, much like any other form of entertainment, is frequently a cross-disciplinary field. Video game developers, as employees within this industry are commonly referred, primarily include programmers and graphic designers. Over the years this has expanded to include almost every type of skill that one might see prevalent in the creation of any movie or television program, including sound designers, musicians, and other technicians; as well as skills that are specific to video games, such as the game. All of these are managed by producers. 97% of 12-17 year olds in the US played video games in 2008, thus fueling an $11. 7 billion domestic video game industry. In 2008, 10 of the top 20 best-selling video games in the US contained violence. Violent video games have been blamed for school shootings, increases in bullying, and violence towards women. Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence, reward players for simulating violence, and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts. Video game advocates contend that a majority of the research on the topic is deeply flawed and that no causal relationship has been found between video games and social violence. They argue that violent video games may reduce violence by serving as a substitute for rough and tumble play and by providing a safe outlet for aggressive and angry feelings. The controversy over violent video games resurfaced following the massacre of 13 people at Columbine High School in Jefferson County, CO on Apr. 20, 1999. The two teenage shooters were revealed to be avid players of weapon-based combat games Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. Following the shooting, 176 newspaper articles across the country focused on the allegation that video games were the cause of the tragedy. On Oct. 7, 2005, California passed a law that required violent video games to include an â€Å"18† label and criminalized the sale of these games to minors. The law was blocked by the US District Court for the Northern District of California and was struck down in Feb. 2009 by the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals citing First Amendment protections and the inability of the state to demonstrate a link between violence in video games and real-world violence. As of Dec. 2008, six other state statutes and two city ordinances concerning the sale of violent video games to minors have been stricken down on similar grounds. On June 27, 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in Brown vs. Entertainment Merchants Association that the California law banning the sale of violent video games to minors violated free speech rights. In the majority opinion, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote, â€Å"A state possesses legitimate power to protect children from harm†¦ but that does not include a free-floating power to restrict the ideas to which children may be exposed. † Several games have garnered significant media attention, including 2004’s JFK assassination reenactment JFK Reloaded, 2005’s Columbine shooting reenactment Super Columbine Massacre RPG! , and 2006’s Rape Lay, a Japanese video game where the player stalks and rapes a mother and her two daughters. Prior to the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which went on to gross $550 million in the first five days after its Nov. 10, 2009 release, leaked footage of the game stirred enough controversy that publisher Activision issued a response defending the game’s violent imagery. Some cons to the question â€Å"Does Video Games promote violence are the following: Violent juvenile crime in the United States has been declining as violent video game popularity has increased. The arrest rate for juvenile murders has fallen 71. 9% between 1995 and 2008. The arrest rate for all juvenile violent crimes has declined 49. 3%. In this same period, video game sales have more than quadrupled. Another con would be violent video games provide healthy and safe opportunities for children to virtually explore rules and consequences of violent actions. Violent games also allow youth to experiment with issues such as war, violence and death without real world consequences. In conclusion I have learned throughout this research that video games in fact do have a major impact on young adolescents in today’s time whether it’s positive or negative. I’ve also realized that for one some kids may act out because of theses sometime violent games and that for two they may improve in their behavior by these games as well. There isn’t really a yes or no answer to this research topic ,but maybe parents should just get games more appropriate for their child’s age . Work Cited â€Å"Video Games ProCon. org. † ProConorg Headlines. N. p. , n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. â€Å"Video Game. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Dec. 2013. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. â€Å"Children and Video Games: Playing with Violence. † Children and Video Games: Playing with Violence. N. p. , n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Butcher Boys by Jane Alexander Essay

Butcher Boys is a work of art created by Jane Alexander in 1985-86. Jane Alexander is a caucasian female who was born in Johannesburg South Africa in 1959, and grew up in South Africa during the tumultuous political and cultural atmosphere of apartheid and the fight for civil rights. This location, or more specifically the cultural, social and political aspects of this location, affected Alexander’s work, Butcher Boys. The artist states, â€Å"my work has been a response to the social environment I find myself in. Apartheid happened to be the important political condition at a certain time, and it still impacts my perception of social environments now, here or abroad†. (Dent). Alexander still resides in South Africa and currently teaches at the Michaelis School of Fine Arts in Cape Town (Bick 30). Butcher Boys is a work consisting of three plaster-cast, life-size naked figures that embody both human and inhuman characteristics. The human characteristics include arms, legs, hands, feet and torsos that are combined with monster like heads with decaying horns, dark eyes, cleaved backs, sutured chests, ear holes and lacking mouths. The genitalia of the figures appear to be covered by codpieces. The three figures are seated on a bench in a mundane position that could be seen in a â€Å"doctor’s office waiting room† or similar to â€Å"athletes on the bench.† (Klassmeyer). This exhibit is not separated from the audience by rails or boundaries, but is on an equal level to viewers, and therefore viewers are able to see the art piece from all angles. The artist used oil paints to create the darkness of the defects of the figures making them seem more realistic. This artwork was created by Alexander while she was completing a masters degree at the University   of Witwatersrand. She may have chosen the media of plaster to create these figures due to the message she intended to portray. The possible message, which will be discussed in detail later, is controversial and addresses the  large topic of apartheid. Perhaps the artist wanted to make a life-sized exhibit to make an impression and better communicate this important message. This exhibit is not just large but the humanoid figures are created to scale of the human form which makes the message more intimate and relatable to the general audience. Another reason why Alexander may have chosen plaster for this art piece, is that plaster is inexpensive and easily accessible. For a student, and I speak from experience, these are important considerations when choosing a medium to utilize. Therefore, plaster allowed Alexander to make the statement she intended within her constraints as a stude nt. In A History of Art in Africa, Suzanne Blier describes various categories that can applied to African art. Several of these categories apply to Jane Alexander’s piece Butcher Boys. Alexander utilizes innovation of form by adding innovations to the human figure to communicate her message. This symbolizes the inhuman characteristics of the culture of apartheid. This technique of creating human forms with inhuman additions has a realistic and yet surreal effect on the viewer. Visual abstraction is shown in this artwork by the deviation of the figures from the classic human form. Although the figures are in a very unremarkable position, they have cleaved backs, horns, ear holes and other inhuman attributes. Without the addition of these abstract characteristics, these figures would appear to be ordinary humans, and the thought provoking connotations of the piece would be lost. The figures in the art piece are human like and represent human society. This shows humanism/ anthropomorphism. There are also three figures arranged together in this piece making this display an ensemble. The meaning of Butcher Boys is very intellectually complex, and can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Therefore the piece shows a multiplicity of meaning. The various interpretations of this piece will be discussed at a later point in this essay. The categories that do not apply to Alexander’s piece include parallel   asymmetries and performance. The cultural, political, and social circumstances that existed in South Africa during the life of Jane Alexander greatly impacted her art, and specifically the piece Butcher Boys. To appreciate the meaning of this piece  it is necessary to understand the history of South Africa, the origin of the artist. Similar to other African countries, South Africa was colonized by Europeans including Dutch and later British immigrants. The discovery of gold and diamonds in the mid 1800s brought an increase in attention to South Africa and therefore, an increase in immigration from European countries. The Zulu, an empire of the indigenous African population, was defeated by the British and the Dutch in 1879. These white immigrants over time established control of the indigenous populations by creating several laws and limitations. The Native’s Land Act of 1913 assigned 87% of the land in South Africa to the white population and 13% to blacks. The Mines and Works Act of 1911 assigned menial and manual labor to blacks and skilled labor to whites. During this time the indigenous population was denied many rights including the right to vote. In 1948, apartheid, a policy of racial segregation, was put into place by the ruling white population. This significantly increased the racial issues in South Africa. In the 1960s and 1970s South Africa encountered upheaval including several strikes and uprisings which result ed in many deaths. After this time South Africa experienced a continuous struggle between the black and white populations as the indigenous people fought for their civil rights, similar to what was experienced in the United States during this time. During this time of racial turbulence, Jane Alexander created the piece Butcher Boys in 1985-86. This cultural, social and political framework had a distinct impact that is communicated in the meaning of this piece. As an artist, Jane Alexander is generally silent as to her intended meaning of her pieces ArtThrob). Therefore, the meaning of Butcher Boys is open to interpretation and there are a variety of perceptions of this piece. One possible intention of this piece is to create emotions within the viewers related to the horrors that took place during the apartheid era in South Africa. The figures in the artwork may represent the   perpetrators of apartheid. The casualness of the appearance of the models in relation to the inhuman characteristics of each may communicate the good and evil within the white population involved in these atrocities. This may show the revulsion that Alexander felt toward the white population while living in South Africa during apartheid. In contrast, these figures can also be  perceived as representations of the black population. They show â€Å"dehumanized victims of apartheid’s crimes against humanity† (Bick 33) by the additions of horns, cleaved backs, and other inhuman attributes on the otherwise normal human form. It can be argued that the evil vs good theme displayed in this artwork portray the good and evil present in all of us. These sculptures have no genitalia or specific skin color and are therefore representations of humanity in general, and all viewers can relate the forms to themselves. This interpretation is intensified because the figures are life-sized and are not separated from the audience allowing them to become more intimate with the art piece. The human features of the sculptures cause viewers to relate personally to the figures, and ponder if the inhuman att ributes represent the evil inside themselves. Another interesting issue regarding the perception of Jane Alexander’s Butcher Boys occurred in February 2012. At this time, the South African band Die Antwoord’s lead singer Ninja dressed as a character resembling a figure in Butcher Boys in a teaser trailer for their album Tension. Die Antwoord speaks to the post-apartheid generation of the white population who is now experiencing a changing identity as the political and social entities in South Africa stabilize after a tumultuous past. Die Antwoord participates in â€Å"selecting, editing, and borrowing from available cultural resources to construct and perform a new white identity† (English). Jane Alexander communicated with the band after this release objecting to the band’s appropriation of the imagery of her piece. The band immediately removed the video and the lead singer responded that they used the imagery because Butcher Boys was one of the few South African art pieces that they were proud of. R eactions to this occurrence in South Africa have been mixed. Butcher Boys by Jane Alexander was chosen for this essay because it was previously introduced to the class and the image was found to be both visually and conceptually stimulating. After reading the article Horror Histories: Apartheid and the Abject Body in the Work of Jane Alexander, the historical significance of this piece made it even more intriguing. Butcher Boys became even more compelling after research showed that this specific art work, as well as its history, impacted the band Die Antwoord, which is a  band I appreciate. This piece is relatable to me personally because it shares many qualities of my own work which utilize the human form with alterations. I find the work of Jane Alexander to be inspirational and will draw from this experience in my future endeavors as an artist. Bibliography Being Human. Durham University. N.p., 3 Mar. 2009. Web. . Bick, Tenley. â€Å"Horror Histories: Apartheid and the Abject Body in the Work of Jane Alexander.† African Arts (2010): 30-41. Print. Dent, Lisa. â€Å"Global Context: Q+A with Jane Alexander.† Art in America. Cynthia Zabel, 6 Aug. 2012. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. . English, Chris. â€Å"Die Antwoord and Appropriation.† YouTube. YouTube, 06Dec. 2012. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. . â€Å"Jane Alexander.† ArtThrob. N.p., July 1999. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. . â€Å"Jane Alexander | South African History Online.† South African History. N.p.,15 Apr. 2009. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. . Jimenez, Dan’etta. â€Å"Jane Alexander: Surveys (from the Cape of Good Hope).† (2013): n. pag. Rpt. in Museum of African Art New York. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. Klassmeyer, Kelly. â€Å"Jane Alexander and the Dangers of Success.† Houston Press. N.p., 19 Sept. 2012. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. . Visonà  , Monica Blackmun. A History of Art in Africa. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2001. Print.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Children Act 1989 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Children Act 1989 - Essay Example The Act emphasizes that, where possible, children should participate in decision-making about their future well being. Subject only to the child's understanding, such participation requires that a child is provided with relevant information and is consulted at every stage in the process of decision-making. It is the general duty of every Local Authority to: Safeguard and promote the welfare of children within their area who are in need and So far as is consistent with that duty, to promote the upbringing of such children by their families by providing a range and level of services appropriate to those children's needs and design it to help prevent abuse and neglect. The keynote to achieving this aim is careful joint planning and agreement in the provision of services within the family home, assisting and enhancing the parental authority. As per the Children Act relative to the Department of constitutional affairs, since the act and the strategies impact directly upon young people in their own right particularly in areas such as helping the vulnerable and increasing confidence in justice. They also influence the future habits of young people in areas such as proportionate dispute resolution and democratic engagement. As with other stakeholders the DCA benefits from gaining the views of young people on policy in these areas. In view of this, Learning to Listen states that in all government departments: A visible commitment is made to involving children and young people, underpinned by appropriate resources to build a capacity to implement policies of participation. And that The contributions of Children and young people, proportionate to their age and maturity, are taken seriously and acted upon, and feedback from children and young people confirm this.' Giving children and young people an active say in policies ensures that they genuinely meet their needs After all it is the child who will have to live with the outcome of the procedure. The Children Act 1989 states that children's wishes and feelings should be incorporated into the decision-making concerning them. Legally based intervention Children's act 1989 is fully equipped with the legal laws and norms that strengthen the cause of Child welfare. These legal intervention are mostly carried out in assistance of Local authority Duty to Investigate -

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The possible treatment for Arteriovenous malformation Essay

The possible treatment for Arteriovenous malformation - Essay Example Management can be done by treatment of symptoms only through drugs. However, a bleeding AVM presents emergency and invasive intervention becomes imminent. The major treatment therapies include open surgery, endovascular embolization and radiosurgery. A multidisciplinary approach is usually employed to minimize the associated complications and achieve better treatment results. A recent clinical trial has established a higher risk of stroke, neurologic disability and death patients with interventional management as compared to the patients managed without intervention. In the end, the study concludes key findings in the form of bullet points. The goal of this study is to present various contemporary practices employed for the evaluation and management of arteriovenous malformations. The risks associated with each procedure are the prime focus of the study, which will also help to highlight their differential effectiveness in dealing with such diverse anomalies. Although there has been remarkable progression in development of non-invasive techniques over the last two decades, the approaches are still being debated on the basis of effectiveness and associated complications. This study will therefore also investigate major challenges faced by practitioners in accurate diagnosis and management of the disease. Further, recent research advancements into the role of multidisciplinary efforts and their future prospects will also be discussed. The human cardiovascular system is among the early developed systems, assuming its functional role by the fourth week of embryonic life. It consists of heart and a closed network of tubular vessels, and serves as a transport system for circulation of blood in the body (1). The pumping mechanism of heart forces the blood into arteries, then arterioles, followed by intricate bed of narrow

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Chinese traditional landscape painting technology to draw the visual Assignment

Chinese traditional landscape painting technology to draw the visual art picture - Assignment Example The essay "Chinese traditional landscape painting technology to draw the visual art picture" explores traditional landscape painting in China. The first thing to paint a picture is to have an idea what to paint. This involves a little bit of thought process to have a clear picture in mind what you want to put down on the canvas. To paint the sunset is not only difficult but also a challenging task for which you have to make sure in mind what you are actually trying to pain. The sunset of the Sydney Opera House is a definite choice for artists. The best would be to visit the place and see it with your own eyes during the exotic sunset. Our eyes are one of the best creations of God, which absorb the beautiful scenery and stores in our mind this makes it easier to put it on canvas. If however, you cannot visit the Sydney house Opera, you must see the pictures of other authentic artists, of the sunset. This would give you a clear idea of how you should start. Traditional Chinese Painting techniques are definitely easy to learn for the children of this era but difficult to be skilled at. Since every stroke in Chinese methods of painting requires full concentration and focus, it is a better approach to make the children learn how to focus on an object in painting. Many Chinese artists suggest that these kinds of painting techniques give you a sense of satisfaction and pleasure and stabilize your moods. By Painting the Sydney opera with Chinese painting techniques, the children will get sensitive to colors.... Preparing the Canvas The size of the canvas is really important if you are painting the sunset at Sydney Opera house. Once you have selected your canvas, you need to select the medium you want to use for your paining, be it acrylic colors or water colors or only Chinese ink, you can use any medium to transfer your ideas on the canvas (Fong, 2001). The first thing is to wet your canvas starting with larger strokes. It will not only absorb the colors but will also amalgamate them really well. Use a larger Chinese brush preferably 1.5’’ wide. To wet your canvas you can use water, liquid white or oils. Layers should be applied to the canvas until it is completely wet. You can also use rice paper as your canvas which is widely used in Chinese paintings (Silbergeld, 1985). Starting up with the picture To start with the Sydney Opera picture, you need to first figure out the objects of primary and secondary importance. For example, the Sydney Opera house, the sun and the bridge are of primary importance whereas the trees in the sides, the far away buildings and water are of secondary importance in the picture. Once decided, you need to outline the entire picture with gentle pencil strokes starting with the primary objects like the Sydney opera house, a brief outline in pencil is required, and the lines must be crisp and concise. Next, start outlining the bridge and the sun. Emphasize on minute detailing of the pillars of the bridge and pay attention to the architecture (Hamm, 1988). You can optionally outline in pencil or a nude paint color to outline the objects of your picture. Next, start with the secondary objects of the picture like the buildings, the trees and the water. It is suggested to use the Chinese