
Monday, March 4, 2019

Health and Social Care Essay

Ageing run is a must of human growth and developments their various attempts have thither have been made to explain the process of ageing and identify the winder influential factors. Health and social care practitioners of somewhat with all the state I need to understand how individuals adapt to life during old-age.What is disengagement surmisalPlanning and Henry would process the disengage is meant theory as a way of explaining different behaviour and development in old age. They would advise that when people reach their 60s they begin to disengage from active role in society for a variety of reasons Ill health retirement from fix loss of friendship and social support through illness and expiration of dissolveners friends and relatives Lack of access to travel facilities in cogency to use communication applied scienceThey argue that disengagement in old age happens voluntarily and with the cheering of the younger generation because it frees up study for them. They sugges t it is normal and crawfish out away that has benefits of society and the older people. The disengagement theory has been criticised for the acceptance of the social extrusion for older people, They say that you could be argued that age is then restrict the ability of some older people, They think that they are not active citizens and they separation from active social roles and its not a choice. Their original search has been criticises well is based on small sample of American adults who were interpreted to be typical of or older people everywhere they alike just suggest that many older people remain sedulous with their family and friends and then no more socially active in these types of groups formerly they have retired from work. To Mary worked until an old age and she wouldve been acted until then going to work playing with her children when she grows older she may Now still be active with walking to the shops or going to different educational classes to stimulate her brain. exercise theory This processes that different disengagement theory, the more active the older someone is the more they will be satisfied they will feel. The activity theoriser such as fennell, phillipson and evens would argue that older people often push disengagement from different important aspects of their life by maintaining a pose age lifestyle. Many older people will take part in social and education activities as a way of staying mentally active and physically healthy. The activity theory has been critiques on the grounds that it could be a way of explaining the response to ageing of some people it fails to take the diversity of the older population into account. Being socially active and engage may be positive for those with different personalities and characteristics living in certain(a) circumstances.

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